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Funky CPL - Kalypso, DVEous MX

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Feb 2006

Hey all - I've been on several trucks recently (NMT - HD11, NMT - HD3, as well as some others..) with Kalypso Software 12.0, 14.0.

I've been having a problem recalling and running the DVEous with CPL. It seems to be recalling and running intermittently - sometimes it recalls all of my DVEous registers and runs them, sometimes it doesn't (same emems, same night, same show). Also, the DVEous timeline stutters the first time I run an effect after an emem load, but will run smoothly each run thereafter.

I've been loading the same show for weeks. I'm not sure if it's a funky emem or what. I've tried resets of the Kalypso and DVEous. I've tried turning my Remote Enables on and off - al the usual tricks.

I've never had this problem with a Kalypso and a SD DVEous, or 4k and a SD DVEous.

Any ideas?
