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M/E PVW outputs

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Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005


I am looking for help w/ a work around. We don't have the FTB module on our 8k. So...I want to be able to change what feeds the pvw monitor with a snapshot..effect...etc.

The problem is I can't find where I can assign Edit PVW to a User group. ( I don't think you can actually)

My thought was to use shift P/P always feed edit pvw..and have snapshots change what that button's actual source is..ie M/e 1 out 2, m/e 2 out 2.etc...so this would allow me to have the edit pvw show the preview of an m/e when I am on that m/e. ( provided I called up the correct snapshot in my effect etc)

The problem w/ the above is that I can't assign a region to create a snapshot for edit pvw.

So, now I am thinking of 2 possibilities...

#1...ask to have the FTB module put back...

#2...Create a table for only edit pvw, and assign the pvw's to buttons I don't think I would want to put in the monitor. and use macros to change the sources. THis would work..but I would work but I would rather not go down that road.

thanks for any ideas...
