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Zodiak v7.0.1.1 joystick override issue

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jul 2006

Hi all - today we updated the software on our Zodiak switcher to v7.0.1.1 from v7.0.0.1. After that, we noticed that the "joystick override" function that allows you to momentarily switch to a camera for shading now is no longer momentary - it switches to the camera and stays there. It's a bit disconcerting for the TD, who also, in our case, also does the shading of the cameras.

I've looked around in the manual and poked around in the software and have been unable to find anyplace to change or modify anything associated with making the function momentary again. I was able to re-program what comes up when the joystick override is activated though.

The aux panel that we are using for the joystick override function is a 1 RU 24 button panel (KAL-24AUX1), and uses the serial comm bus for communication. There were no modifications to the aux panel or the camera RCUs when we updated the software.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks -
