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Transition Help

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2007

Hello all,
I'm a fairly new Freelance TD. I've done a couple of shows, mostly pre/post game shows. Currently I'm working on a 4k, with a lance/fast forward. I've been using someones config and EMEM's, so life has been good. I need to make a new transition, from scratch, but I'm not to confident with my skills at this point. Here's what I need.

Go from one source full(EVS or Tape), quick disolve to fast forward full 2 second animation (Fill only, no Matte), then disolve to to another source (Camera or tape).

Where I get hung up is triggering the fast forward. I've got my DPM's set (DPM4 set for PBUS/GPI , DPM1 CPL).

Can anyone give me a step by step, menus included, of how to make this type of transition? Like I said, not really sure how to trigger the animation out of the fast forward and apparently not real comfortable with Keyframe editing.

Also, is switcher school at GVG a worth while step for me? With the exception of building and editing keyframes, which is obviously a very important part if the job, I feel very comfortable with the switcher.

Thanks for any help offered!
