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clipstore/spotbox cue-trigger

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Nov 2006

I did a show a few weeks ago on one of the big ten trucks with a clipstore.
I ran all my timelines the way I always have, which is to cue up the correct
register on the lance as KF #1 then put a pause in the timeline, then use a macro to get to the correct replay machine and run the effect when needed. Basic stuff. The clipstore (or a spotbox) recalls very quickly so I was wondering if I am asking for trouble if I don't put a pause in the timeline and just
make one that recalls the register from the clipstore, put maybe a 2 or 3 frame hold, to let it
cue, then a run trigger for the clipstore (or spotbox) and the remainder of the timeline effect. Other
machines will choke if you do this. Does the fact that a lance is involved
in the chain make this approach unwise. I would guess if the pbus was
talking directly to the clipstore it might not be a problem.

I have done this with profile's in the past and most of the time they worked
but sometime it did choke so I never used it, I always cued up the register
and put a pause in the timeline. If it fails 1 out of 100 times I can't use it

My thinking is that the macro that I hit to got to "red" or "Blue" or wherever, not only does the usual, (takes the correct replay machine and keys the logo, clears K1 and K2 in ME2, but hits the correct timeline and runs it. Same for replay off, caps, ect. Your down to one keystroke (I know "how lazy can you get") but I'm just thinking here. You would probably want to have normal replay (with a pause) and other timeline effects on you master 0 bank on case you have to go somewhere other than the normal replay machines. Put the "red", "blue" timelines at a at master 50 or 60, something like that.
Any thoughts