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Kalypso Macro Bank recall oddity

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Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

I was working on a visiting show on a GVG 3000 the other day, and after the game the home show TD (another good TD) came into our truck and told me about a weird thing that happened to him on his show which had a GVG Kalypso (one of the NMT trucks that recently upgraded from a 4000 based on this forum's suggestions).

He had a macro that set up to set up his switcher for him, the macro did a few things, and called up a master E-mem 01 (his re-play effect). It worked great all the time, except...

He had recalled an empty Master register 77, then hit his macro, everything was fine, and recalled his master E-mem 01, except that it left him Bank 7. If register 77 wasn't empty and he hit his macro, it would leave him in bank 0. Is this a bug? Anyone else seen it?

--- Dan