Hello Editsuite.com friends,

Due to tons of abuse, we now require that you request user access by sending us your Login, Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Profession by submitting that info HERE.  I'll review your request and try to get back to you within the week.  You can't imagine how many folk want to trash forums with bogas advertising. 

Also, please help us gain enough Facebook "Likes" to have a custom Facebook URL!  

--Gary Lieberman

Welcome Tricaster Users

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Joined: 27 Aug 2009

Tricaster: TricasterTricaster: TricasterToday we launch the NewTek Tricaster Forum on Editsuite.com.  This is an "unofficial" place to discuss our true impressions of the Tricaster family of switchers. I've been teaching Tricaster courses for the past year and am amazed at what it can do.  Would love to hear your impressions! Be nice, the manufactuers are always watching and appreciate constructive comments.  As always, destructive comments get the boot.

Gary Lieberman