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airspeed advice

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Dana J. Parker
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005

I have been tasked to see how Avid's Airspeed will work with our Axials. I have gotten it to respond well with a BVW75 specfile. I was wondering if the Axial supports VDCP protocal for any device? Also, is there any way for Axial to be able to send out user generated ASCII strings for clip identification?

John Henkel
John Henkel's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Jun 2005
Hi Dana, Well. . . the Axial only speaks BVW or so with the DDRs. But, as you might know, you can jump around quickly as opposed to shuttling like a tape deck by using the Sony.spec file. Not sure of the clip recall. The Axial will recall clips on the Abekas 6000 server, but not via names. There might be a way to send an ASCII string, it does this kind of interface with some routers, but it might be difficult to enter the clip name in via the Axial keyboard (and you can't plug another one in). There were some commands added a while ago to capture the keyboard input, but I have not looked into that stuff for a while now. I know that I've sent some ASCII info for a small router specfile I did once, or a Snell and Wilcox standards convertor or something like that. Sorry I can't help much right now, I'm just too busy. It'd be a "fun" project for someone, though. :-)