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Continuous Auto Assemble 9100

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Hi, I have a large job coming up 30 episodes of a 'best of' type show, 11 segments each. The HD edit suite was installed without a leader generator. I want to save myself a few tape changes as VTR's are at a premium and located on another floor. The audio mixer doesn't support 9100 memories. So my plan was to use a PF key to build a short list of 5 and 20 frame edits alternating each edit with A12 enabled to give me my pips. Then auto assemble. As all the edits are cuts, the 9100 should assemble it for me in one pass. The problem I'm having is that it is not - when I auto assemble the 9100 stops to preroll every edit. Any ideas?

I'm inserting on blacked/striped tape.
My source is Aux1 which is a Clarity CG that has an Audio XP of PGM (Oscillator on mixer turned on). Tried BLK as an alternative source - no better.
My Init menu says Continuous rec is On.
I have a GPI triggering the Clarity (animated numbers) on the first edit.


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[quote="trevora"]I looked today and we are actually on BZE9102 v3.00 (!)[/quote] Hi Trevor, you had given me a bit of false hope there. We are back to it being a problem with v3.02. [quote="trevora"]Col Fram 2Field * we love SDI, ask your grandparents about colour framing CF phase 1 * we really love SDI[/quote] Tell me about it, but no need to ask the grandparents, I got my stripes on an ACE 200 & 1". I can remember editing on U-Mat and 2" too. - Steve
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[quote="trevora"]Here's what I am reading what you are trying to do from your first post... 001 V12 Aux 10:00:00:00 10:00:00:05 with gpi to fire collage 002 V12 Blk 10:00:00:05 10:00:01:00 003 V12 Aux 10:00:01:00 10:00:01:05 repeated with switcher not controlled (so stays on counting down collage) and mixer controlled (so puts up blip tones for 5 frames every second). Gpi only on 1st edit (to fire collage). Should work as gpi is on 1st edit only... (if, say, it were on edit 3 then 9100 would stop after edit 2 then preroll and do edit 3).[/quote] OK.. worked perfectly, had sw-mem on 1st edit (switcher otherwise disabled) to have collage online, with collage gpi. The other edits switched between aux and black. Continous assemble worked fine, although occassionally blip was shorter than 5 frames. Managed to do 4 channel ident by changing audio routing on an edit by edit basis... that is ok for continuous assemble. HTH Trevor
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[quote="s-clark"][quote="trevora"]We are on v3.02 in SD Trevor[/quote] It's extremely intresting that you are running v3.02 and can Continuous Auto Assemble. That suggests that I have overlooked something. Perhaps my issue relates back to our HDWM2000P VTR constants afterall. Would you mind posting your menu settings for me to try.[/quote] I looked today and we are actually on BZE9102 v3.00 (!) The menu settings are (*** are the only ones likely to affect, ** may affect, * fyi only): Show Start 10:00:00:00 * just to show we are a british house Preroll 5:00 * decrease if you need to get home earlier Postroll 2:00 * increase if you need a coffee break Reaction 0 * at my age this should definitely be increased! ----- (i think this is DF/NDF in 525, blank line in Pal) * we love Pal Col Fram 2Field * we love SDI, ask your grandparents about colour framing CF phase 1 * we really love SDI Decision base Video * ie. I advance/delay audio Edit Point - Effect start * unless you want to emulate a film editor Fly Edit - Off * allows live switching of show via P1-P12,Aux,Blk reaction is too slow and M/S or starring of vtrs too useless to make this a useful function. Still use it on sports remotes though. One of the few areas that GVG was much better at. Skip Rec - Off * this one allows the edl to jump reels that are not loaded yet [b] CONTINUOUS RECORD - ON *** this is the one that does as many edits as possible [/b] Quick Pvw - Off * i think this is the SuperQuickPreview mentioned below (SQP) Bkgd Record - Off * when on hitting standard record puts edit in edl and assembles allowing further marks to be entered. Painful to use but can speed up some sessions. Live Pvw - On * any guesses? Dig Proc Delay - 0 * allow for delay through system (redundant since we got rid of A84!) Lip Sync Mode - Off * frame bumping disabled SQPreroll - 5:00 * never used SQP SQPostroll - 5:00 * never used SQP [b] A-Roll Release Mode - ON (Off worked too) ** release the 'from' source in a dissolve when complete PRE-CUE UP - MULTI *** look more than one edit ahead for precue (i think) [/b] TBC snapshot - V * rather than sync timing/subcarrier (did i say we love SDI) [b] NON STOP EXECUTE - ON *** don't stop for manual events? (not sure) vtr release mode - ON (Off worked too) ** - no idea what this does, i can look it up if you like? [/b] MENU 2 - NONE OF THESE MAKE A DIFFERENCE EDL auto clean - on * yeah, shouldn't really be on, but it is EDL auto renum - off * let me control the renumbering EDL format - 9100 * rather than cmx? M/S store - off * M/S is so flakey that I never use it edl display - on * not sure ? Mike??? disp recorded edit - on * alternative to only show edits that have still to be recorded edit select mode - bve 5000 * ooh, now you know how i piss everyone off who uses my setup new edit store - end of edl * who cares about edls anymore? auto change cassette - off * only interesting if you have a big fat betacart system, allegedly scroll follow edit - on * this one I'm not explaining direct set reel - on * when 9100 prompts for a tape number, hitting Px will load the reel no to Px quick edit - on * i think this is the 'don't ask me again just do the edit' option field edit - field 1 * i guess this MIGHT have some effect if wrong? auto backup to undo bin - off undo bin - undefined last page store - new * i think this is the 'where should i put the edit you told me to just do?' So see how those tally with yours. I had my record deck set to sync grade 'live' because I couldn't be arsed to walk out and put a tape in. (it was going home time) I'll try and recreate your edl tomorrow if i get a chance. Here's what I am reading what you are trying to do from your first post... 001 V12 Aux 10:00:00:00 10:00:00:05 with gpi to fire collage 002 V12 Blk 10:00:00:05 10:00:01:00 003 V12 Aux 10:00:01:00 10:00:01:05 repeated with switcher not controlled (so stays on counting down collage) and mixer controlled (so puts up blip tones for 5 frames every second). Gpi only on 1st edit (to fire collage). Should work as gpi is on 1st edit only... (if, say, it were on edit 3 then 9100 would stop after edit 2 then preroll and do edit 3).
User offline. Last seen 15 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="trevora"]We are on v3.02 in SD Trevor[/quote] Hi Trevor, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year It's extremely intresting that you are running v3.02 and can Continuous Auto Assemble. That suggests that I have overlooked something. Perhaps my issue relates back to our HDWM2000P VTR constants afterall. Would you mind posting your menu settings for me to try. [quote="trevora"]I'd heard that sony had resurrected some software writers for the 9100 to deal with HD frame rates, that thing just won't die! Trevor[/quote] Now that HD is starting to take off it makes a lot of sense to continue supporting the 9100. Editing is all about choosing the right tool for the job. I'm quite happy using an avid for small jobs with say under 4 hours of stock footage for a final project under 10 min. But could you imaging the job I am working on now in a NLE suite, where you are working with a sit-in producer and each show has 2 hours of content. Whether you break the show up into segments or not, that's at least 2 hours of ingesting in real time and then 2 hours of dumping back to tape. I think the 9100 and linear editing in general has a lot of life left in it yet. Steve
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We are on v3.02 in SD and I certainly get the system freezes - it is a full on, go out and turn the box off and on again type lock-up. It's not during auto-rec though, it occurs when backspacing into an edit with switcher mem and hitting record before all the data has got from the 9100 to the switcher. I'd heard that sony had resurrected some software writers for the 9100 to deal with HD frame rates, that thing just won't die! Rereading Mike Buday's post he points out that GPI's are a no-no for non-stop execute/continuous record and also that the edit mode cannot change between edits, so I think you'd be stymied on both of those. I'm at an FCP house this week then taking time off for some celebration or other so I can't help you much more than that. Might suggest you look into getting a G5 and - build a nice HD quicktime leader and control it from the 9100 - come in handy for any other layoffs/graphic elements too, especially as you can get simultaneous key and fill out with a decklink card (in SD anyway, not sure about HD). Hell you can even do slowmos from it (allegedly). Trevor
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Hi Trevor, Thanks for your reply too. Sorry, but I have already tried non-stop exectute. It was one of the first things I looked at. As mentioned above our other 9100 does perform a continuous auto assemble with the same menu settings (allowing for subtle menu differences between software versions). I can only presume that BZE-9102 V3.02 has a bug. It's not a feature we use often. Sadly, it would have been a time saver on this job. What version are you running? Steve
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Try enabling 'Non-stop execute' on menu page 2 (i think)... i have definitely had continuous auto assembly working on multiple occassions, not sure that i have ever managed to get it to switch edit modes though (VA12 then A34 for example) (if mike can't get it working for you, then it's really broke!) Trevor
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Thanks for your reply Michael. I had created basic EDL's with the settings you mention, sadly no luck. However we have another 9100 suite that I have tried the same tests in with the same Init settings, and Continuous Auto Assemble does work there. Initially I thought the problem might be in the VTR Constants as the other suite only operates Digital Betacam VTR's as opposed to HDCAM VTR's. But in the HD suite with no VTR's assigned and only AUX and BLK sources in the EDL, even a multi edit switcher preview would stop after every edit and count down the pre-roll duration to the next. So I checked the software versions on each 9100. Our SD suite is running BZE-9102 V3.0 and our HD suite is running BZE-9102 V3.02. I got onto various Sony support sites, which I might add are getting harder and harder to find any useful information on, and eventually found on the UK branch a "what's new in BZE9102" version log. Interestingly a resolved problem in V3.03 is "3. Some EDL's could cause CPU hang-up in Auto REC". Well I wouldn't describe my problem as CPU hang-up; I interpret that to be a system freeze or crash. But it does make me wonder if it is a related issue. I think my best course of action is to ask our engineers for a software upgrade or ... downgrade (eww did I actually say that). Incidentally, the latest version is 3.04 released February 2005. I would still like to hear from anyone who is using BZE-9102 V3.0 or later and can perform a continuous Auto Assembly. Regards, Steve
Michael Buday
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The 9100 will perform a continuous auto-assemble under the following conditions: - As stated in the manual, there must be no GAPS or OVERLAPS in the EDL - The EDIT MODE (V, A1, A2) etc, must be the SAME for every edit - There must be NO additional EDL directives in an edit, like GPI's, SWMEM's, DMC, MXRMEM's, etc. - Make sure CUE AHEAD is ON in the INIT MENU - Make sure A-ROLL RELEASE MODE is ON in the INIT MENU These are just a few pointers. If you need more info, write to me directly: michaelbuday@cox.net Cheers.
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I've been further investigating how Auto Assemble works. Trying different sources, edit durations and Init settings. The manual clearly states that Continuous Auto Assemble is possible when sequentual edits are dissolves or cuts and there are no gaps or edit overlaps. However, I can't seem to make it work under any conditions. The 9100 is clever enough to look ahead and cue up the next tape in the EDL, but stops after every edit. I've even performed a fly-edit (switching sources on the run during an edit), each event is recorded correctly in the EDL, but if I go back and Auto Assemble - each switch is treated as a seperate event and the 9100 stops to preroll each one. I'd like to broaden my enquiry - are there any editors out there at all who have actually achieved a continuous auto asembly? I would really like to hear from you. Steve