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Pinnacle DVExcel - Sequence question

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

Got a question.

We have the Pinnacle DVE and the news department wants to do the "cold open" for the news with the transition words. (i.e. FIRST, NEXT, THEN, etc.) I had an idea to put the graphic stills into the DVE and make a series of "word transitions" that the TD would put into a sequence in the desired order. TD would just advance through the sequence as the open is recorded.

It appears that the DVE has to do housekeeping between effects, so there is a little flash when skipping from one effect to the next. Is there a way to minimize this?

Thanks for your insight!

Scott Thomas


User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 12 Dec 2005
Hi Scott, You can try put the OPACITY value at "0" for the first and last KF's of each effect ... ??

Jean-Philippe Blondeau

Freelence td's(aiguilleur), AQTIS, Montreal, Qc [url]http//www.aqtis.qc.ca[/url]