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DD20 to DD30

2 replies [Last post]
Dana J. Parker
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005


We have retired one of our DD20 switchers. I want to move the ME boards from the retired E-Box to the active E-Box therefore creating a 2-ME, PP DD20. Is there anything in this board move I should be aware of? I'm hoping it is as simple as powering down, moving the boards and powering back up. The DD20s were purchased at the same time and had the same options. I'm pretty sure the boards are the same version. Any advice would be appreciated.

Dana J. Parker
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Nov 2005
Thank you for the quick response
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Dec 2005
The ME boards RY1903 are identical and need nothing to do with it, just plug it. But the frame and the panel has to be set from DD20 into DD30. Change the Dip-switch setting at the mainframe controller RY1917 on Pos T77. Turn all Switches to OFF (with DD20 it was switch 3 ON) Also on the Panel controller board RY182x the same Dip-switch setting has to be set up on T8 (Setup). The panel would recognize a three ME Frame and change the menus accordingly. But there is a remaining problem of the option codes. The option codes match with the mainframe serial number and the mainframe type. If you switch the frame to a DD30 the option codes get unvalid. You must ask your local Service for a new optioncode with frame serial number and Box Typ. Note: Look Ahead Preview is also enabled by an option code.