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Sony 9100 and a sony 7000 switcher

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Jason Pinkowski
User offline. Last seen 15 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Jan 2006

The station that I work at is owned by a technical college. As a part of the advanced editing course the school has scavenged together a equipment for a control room/editing suite. Currently the switcher is a Sony 7000n switcher. The 9100 was hooked up to an old grass 200 switcher previously and so that is the data that is loaded to control the switcher. Does anyone have the system settings that I should set into the editor to properly control the 7000? If so you would save me a ton of leg work since this is really not a scheduled task, but one that I have been asked to do in my free time.

Jason Pinkowski
Milwaukee Public Television

User offline. Last seen 15 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Mar 2007
Here are two direct link options to order part number DE9604/11 from Sony's ServicesPLUS site: Software page: [url]https://servicesplus.us.sony.biz/sony-software.aspx?model=BZE9604[/url] Parts catalog: [url]https://servicesplus.us.sony.biz/Sony-Parts-Catalog-Details.aspx?groupid=510201[/url] Best regards, Rick
Product Support...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 27 Mar 2006
Jason: In order to Control the Sony DVS switchers, a different Switcher Control Program is needed, BZE-9604. This is software that is installed into the 9100 and enables the proper commands to be sent to the switcher. As the command Protocol is different between the GVG 200 and the Sony 7000 series, the software is different. This Control program is available from Sony Parts. The Part number is DE9604/11. The phone number for Sony Parts is 800-538-7550 or you can order online at Regards, Sony Product Support