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Odd Axial/DVW500 Issue

2 replies [Last post]
Sam Gilliam
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Feb 2006

We have run across an issue using DVW500s equipped with the program play option when the deck is controlled from an Axial 3000. Basically when a speed override is entered, say 105%, the deck will actually run, according to the deck status display, at 104.9%. This is consistent whether the override is positive or negative and occurs only with the program play board installed.
Removing the board causes the deck to run at the specified speed but without the pitch correction.

So far the obvious step of diddling with specfile hasn't worked, Atul and I thought that we had it figured out, but no luck yet.
At this point both Sony and Abekas are stumped, so any thoughts would be appreciated.

Sam Gilliam
Turner Studios Engineering

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2005
True, I've never seen a truly accurate slomo from a VTR using Paltex, sony or Accom controllers. I think it is a bit of the luck of the draw with VTs. Sometimes just redoing the edit will have a slightly different effect.
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Philip Boal
User offline. Last seen 15 years 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Sep 2005
I'm just an editor and i don't play an engineer on TV ... but its been my experience that odd speeds like that happen all the time if you're paying attention, and it looks like you were. The speeds in Avid are often decimal point percentages. Think about it, 105% is an odd number and its not giving the machine much room for error, so to speak. My answer is: I always use round numbers for speed conversions 50%, 25%, 30%, 150%, etc. I never use fit to fill except to let the edit controller give me its estimate and then a I roll it up or down to a round number. hope this helps.