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Gpi Trigger Trans

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Steve Heilman
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I want the GPI to trigger a cut between program and preview.

How does that work? We're on version 12.

Bill D
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Typically you would use a GPI loopback for news or other event that you punch downstream. You would have transitions that on each instance you have no idea whether you need to go with or clean (chyron). So now you can build one effect that includes GPI loopbacks. You will need atleast 2 of them. One to turn the key on and off and the other to do the pgm/pst cut. As Allan mentioned you program this in GPI input menu. Config/Inputs?GPI inputs, orsomething like that. You select the input # and then select what you want it to do. Then assign it. For GPI output you have to give it a DPM assignment as mentioned above and typically extend teh pulse to like 10 frames (or maybe it is fields). This is done in another menu that I am sure I could find in front of it but no idea now. I used this setup for years in news and it works very well, really no other way to do it. And best part is that with dsk as an enabled elevel you can have the correct source recalled with your effect with source hold on the other, this includes linear key, etc. In sports I have built stuff as most do, like Mike talked about. If you want to go back with chyron or a gfx either set it up in ME 1 or ME 3. While on replay in ME 2. Most of the time pgm/pst is tele and FFV, so you can't do it downstream anyway.
Mike Cumbo
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[quote="reccles"]Having said this, I dont think what I am trying to do would work. Whatever I have latched will get changed on that first keyframe anyway so it doesnt matter how I do the transition. Is this how you see it?[/quote] That is how I see it. Now, if you were on a Kalypso you could use macros to turn a keyer on or off or to do a transition without having say PGM/PST enabled. In fact some of the TD's doing dual feeds use that method. Hey, you tried to skin a cat a different way. KEEP thinking!!! That is the only way people grow in this business.
User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Well actually I dont leave DDR keyed all the time. I have a keyframe at the beginning that changes key 2 to DDR and turns it on and a keyframe at the end that turns it off and changes it back to CG2. Having said this, I dont think what I am trying to do would work. Whatever I have latched will get changed on that first keyframe anyway so it doesnt matter how I do the transition. Is this how you see it?
Mike Cumbo
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reccles, if I read your idea on this correctly, then you have to leave the DDR keyed all the time, right? Otherwise you would have to have keyframes that include PGM/PST enabled. Once you enable that level the switcher will unlatch BKG and the other keyer. What happens to your system if you get a bad load tape, An X 1 field before the animation? One question for you and the way you are thinking, what happens when you get a show that uses the Fast Forward and a Tele that needs to be keyed all the time? Your way will not work with only two keyers. One key is FF, the other is Tele. The way I do a show is ME3 is camera cut, ME2 is where I replay to. ME1 is for splits, 2 boxes, whatever. I use source holds on almost every transition so I can go anywhere if needed. Working this way I can transition to or from a graphic.
User offline. Last seen 12 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks Allan and Mike, I will try it out. Ryan
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reccles, Usually, from my understanding, a GPI is programmed to do whatever you want it to do on the way in, not out. I was just on a 4k today and had to program a GPI myself. I haven't been on a 4k since the end of July/early August so it took a while for it all to come back. Since you ran a loopback, make sure you have a DPM assignment to GPI's. I don't remember if this is found under Config-Extern IF or under Config-Output-GPI outputs. Once you assign a DPM (I used GPI 1 and DPM 4 for my purposes) then go to Config-Input-GPI Input and that's where you assign the action the GPI. In this menu, I was able to select GPI 1 and assign my M/E 3 cut. You can certaintly assign a cut or auto trans in any M/E, DSK mix, or cut, etc. Check it out and let me know if it works. -Allan
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Well let me get to the root of what I am trying to do. I currently build my effects having the switcher do the cut for me. But if I build my effect with only the fast forward keyed, I cant transition to or from a graphic. Say out of a replay I wanted to transition to Cam 1 with a CG, I dont know how to do that unless I use an ME to do it. My hope what that using GPI would allow me to latch BKG and Key1 and it would just make the transition. Does this make sense? My effects currently trap me into very specific ways of doing things and therefore as a TD, I'm not very flexable. I am open to any ideas that anyone has on this.
Mike Cumbo
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"F-F" might be Grass speak for Flip Flop. On the 1680 the PGM/PST bus was the only one to have the buses flip flop. It might be a hold over from that. Bob E might have an idea if he is lurking. I think this is one of those things that will become clearer when you sit in front of the switcher. For me, that is usually when the "OH, it's done THAT way" light bulb goes on in my head. Just wondering, why do you want to trigger a cut with a GPI? Why not have the PGM/PST in your timeline and include source holds? Of course, your way would not need to include the PGM/PST level at all. You would need a source hold on a tele if you were using one. The one question I have is, are GPI out to GPI in transitions as accurate and quick as having the switcher do the transition for you? Bob? Anyone?
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I've done a little bit of reading but it makes sense on everything except on auto trans and cut. I think I get the general idea but I just dont see how to set it to make a cut on Pgm/PST. I only see ME1, ME2 and F-F PST BLK. What is F-F?
Mike Cumbo
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First question, do you know how to set up the GPI out trigger? If so, then you need to go to the CONFIG/INPUTS/ GPI INPUTS menu. The GPI outs are set up in the CONFIG/EXTERNAL IF/ GPI OUTPUTS menu. Once you are in the GPI input menu you will see how things work. It is slightly tough to explain if you don't have the board or the manual in front of you.
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Mike, I'm on a 4k and I am trying to do a cut via gpi. My engineer tells me its wired to do that because other TD's have done it. I have very limited time behind the swithcer and when I do, I have a game to prep for so I haven't had time to try it. Could you tell me what I would need to do to accomplish this so next time I'm in the truck I can try it out? Thanks for your help.
Steve Heilman
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Thanks for the help! We got it!
Steve Meyer
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The Kalypso doesn't have 5v available on the GPI connector, so you'll need an external power supply. Just about any wall wort will do. The pinouts are pretty straightforward, and are avaiable in the Kalypso installation and service manual. The GPI and GPOs are on a DB-37 connector. Once you've got the physical connections, just configure the GPI functions like Bill said above. What are you trying to accomplish? Do you have an external device that you'd like to have trigger a cut on program? Good luck, and have fun. -Steve
Mike Cumbo
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Your engineers, or you if you have the power, need to connect the GPI outs to the GPI ins first. On a 3k the GPI in needed +5v which Grass made available on the back of the switcher. I do not know if the Kalypso also has the +5v available. After getting things properly connected, it is easy.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Steve Heilman"]I want the GPI to trigger a cut between program and preview. How does that work? We're on version 12.[/quote] I believe there is a GPI 'setup' menu, daily setup, suite prefs, GPI in. In this menu you assign GPI 1 to do what you want. Maybe just easier to build a macro to do the cut, then assign that to a emem level and use it for your timeline Bill