Hello Editsuite.com friends,

Due to tons of abuse, we now require that you request user access by sending us your Login, Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Profession by submitting that info HERE.  I'll review your request and try to get back to you within the week.  You can't imagine how many folk want to trash forums with bogas advertising. 

Also, please help us gain enough Facebook "Likes" to have a custom Facebook URL!  

--Gary Lieberman

Video Pros Directory

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Chris Boden
Chris Boden's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Sep 2005

Hello from Cologne!

I have not visited the Video Professionals Directory for a long time. Now I decided to make a new entry and I saw that you have cancelled the option of adding a new entry into the directory because of the spammers, who seem to 'use' the directory for their own ugly work... :-(

It's terrible that a good idea like this directory is destroyed by spammers!


John Henkel
John Henkel's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Jun 2005
Hi Chris, Sorry for the inconvenience. I can add an entry for you and give you the password which you can always change later. Give me the basic info (company name is all I need, I guess) and I'll make the entry for you. Those spammers have been a real pain they way they put entries in our directories, ads, jobs, etc. But, I shouldn't say this, I think I outsmarted them for now. Thanks for your support. John