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Where are all the TD's at??

3 replies [Last post]
Jeremy W
User offline. Last seen 11 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

Just out of curiosity, is there as big a TD shortage around the rest of the country as there is here in LA? There seems to be just a handful of TD's here that work locally. I count 7 that I see on a regular basis (only counting the locals that work local, no disrespect Steve or Ross!!) For a market this size, with the number of pro and college shows that happen throughout the year, it just seems very disproportional (sp?) Is it the same everywhere else?

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
I am one of those who fly into L.A. to do my shows. I know that I am always being asked by former students "how can I get work in Los Angeles"? There are a LOT of people that I know who have picked up & moved out to L.A., only to find out that with the local news stations going more & more to Ignite/Parkervision & the lack of live-cut Entertainment shows (there's a pretty small group that has this area locked up), that Sports is one of the few options left. It used to be that some local news TD's would freelance out in the sports world to suppliment their income, but as Ignite starts taking over in the Newsroom, these people are filtering away to places that still need TD's. That would be my take on why there are so many sports positions open. But for the sports that only pay $300-$500 per day, the average freelancer (who has to take into account the cost of housing in L.A., medical insurance, taxes, etc.) has to work A LOT to be able to make it at those rates. Part-timers like the News TD's could afford to work for this, but the Sports Producers all seem to want $1500-a-day TD's for $400 per day. I'm not trying to degrade the folks out there who are at the lower end of the pay scale...but you don't see the "big boys" like Mark Hetklotz or Ed Collins trying to move to L.A. for the money & opportunities. They can make (a lot) more money living in the Mid-West & being paid to travel to any site in the country. The advice I give to those who want to go to L.A. because they think that it somehow has more opportunies than where they are now is "I lived in L.A. for 40 years - it's a great place to be FROM". Proportionately, there aren't THAT many more really good career opportunities, and the cost of living is MUCH higher. I do enjoy working there, but I don't miss living there. That being said, no one has ever taken my advice on this.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
They're constantly flying people in to do games here in Minneapolis.
- Stephan Ahonen
User offline. Last seen 15 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Mar 2006
I would love to get into some games there? Who should I contact?