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Color Corrector Control Panel

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Curt's picture
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Curious what everyone is using for external color correction for monitors, projectors etc. I realize this is more of a lighting/video op question, but thought I would ask.

Specifically, anyone know of any "generic" manufacturer's control panel/GUI that would control a For-A digital Color Corrector frame/chasis. We want to be able to control multiple CC frames from two control panels in two rooms. A 422 router won't work b/c when the For-A control panel sees a break in the 422 comms ( ie a router change is made), it sends the last known settings to the new CC chassis as soon as an adjustment is made. So...both CC's in this example would have pretty much the same settings, which doesn't work.

The actual For-A panel itself will control 6, but we need to control amost twice that.

Thank you


Rick Edwards
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The Sony 8000 and 9000 switchers have built-in "TBC-style" (Video, Chroma, Black and Hue) on every bus in the switcher including all 48 aux buses. There is also memory that can be turned on that will remember the settings on a crosspoint by crosspoint basis. You can also purchase an optional RGB/Spot/6 Vector CCR card for either switcher. With this card, you get two more internal sources in the switcher that can be selected as crosspoints on any bus (including the aux buses). Two additional aux panel delegates allow you to feed the CCR modules. Of course, all CCR (whether the optional card or the built-in) can be snapshotted and timelined, etc. Lastly, the optional CCR card has a built-in mask generator so you can only CCR one portion. the mask is handy so you don't have to tie up an entire M/E to accomplish. RE
brad fisher
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A scan of the "Kalypso Classic System Signal Flow" shows Video Processing only on the M/E busses. Surprisingly, the "HD System Signal Flow" shows Video Processing only on the 4 background busses, not on the key busses. Can anyone confirm or refute this? Either way, looks like a hardware impossibility to provide correction unless an M/E is used. brad fisher bradfisher.org/kalypso
Bob Ennis
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No, I don't think that you'll see it on the Kalypso AUXes. It has been something that some of us asked for from the start, but it was never pursued.

Bob Ennis

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Bob, I doubt this will happen but I thought I'd ask. Do you think that may add that feature to the kalypso? (color correcting on the aux bus)
Bob Ennis
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We used to attach an 85-A gel over the monitors & that way, we never had to tie up a color corrector. Now, I'm using the video processing features available on the AUX Bus outputs of the 8000 to manipulate the feeds to monitors - I don't have to tie up an M/E output & I have 48 of these outputs that I can separately manipulate.

Bob Ennis

brad fisher
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We have a rear projection screen, and our correction is a lighting gel gaffer-taped over the lens. brad
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Not sure if this helps but we color correct our monitors with our switcher(kalypso) the only thing is that we have to burn an output of an M/E to do so. I usually bury it on output 4.