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DPOP menu

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R Southcott
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Can anyone tell me what the DPOP menu is for?

Lou Delgresiano
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I'm one that loves the DPOP features, and has trouble regressing to switchers that lack it. One question I had is that if anyone knows why the M/E buttons on an M/E B bus are excluded from the DPOP? I'd love to be able to DPOP my M/E1B on the M/E3 B bus, but find it slightly annoying to have to use the shift. Wondering if it's a simple software addition to make that happen, or if I'm missing the logical reason why it was excluded?
Bill D
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[quote="jlobb"]FYI, the Zodiak does not have this feature, at least the one I am using. Can u tell how much I like the zodiak.[/quote] Jason, I assume the Zodiak you are using is for thr US open? I thought the Mets used an 8K? Also I saw you and Jerry (bug operator) on some SportsnetNY kids show, talking about the people that televise the game. Pretty funny, it was routed up on the wall in the control room at MS after a Mets game I guess. later Bill
Rick Tugman
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[quote="Dan Berger"]Rick, I'm sure you already know this, but I'd like to add for those that aren't aware, that you can have different X-Point assignments on different M/E's (& Aux busses). Also, in the Prefs, you can make an M/E (actually, I think you can do it by bus) shifted. --- Dan[/quote] Hi Dan ... hope all is well. Yes I knew this but I'm still in the habit of double punching the button just to be sure it's selected like Dave does. It's a nice feature and something to get used to when the need arises. Great suggestion though! Best, Rick.
Dan Berger
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[quote="Rick Tugman"]....it would come in helpful lets say for shifted tape machines or other sources you want access to on a particualr M/E....[/quote] Rick, I'm sure you already know this, but I'd like to add for those that aren't aware, that you can have different X-Point assignments on different M/E's (& Aux busses). Also, in the Prefs, you can make an M/E (actually, I think you can do it by bus) shifted. --- Dan
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FYI, the Zodiak does not have this feature, at least the one I am using. Can u tell how much I like the zodiak.
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[quote="Dave Bernstein"]he has pointed out a disadvantage of the DPOP feature:[/quote] Sounds like a disadvantage of punching style, not the switcher feature! :-) A fellow TD explained to me that this was a user requested feature that TGV actually came through with. He also said TGV initially didn't want to do it because they thought people might double hit as described above- either by habit or nerves. I'm glad TGV did - I'd rather have a switcher company that provides us the features and lets us decide how or if we use them. The DPOP for me is one of the most valuable features of the Kalypso. I still think that the DD series switcher solves the shitfted/unshifted problem much better- making the K1/K2 busses an extension of that ME PGM/PST bus. I hardly ever manually change keysources during the show (except for ME 1 boxes etc.), and if I did, I could use macros or emems. These busses are a waste of real estate with little or no purpose during the show. Especially with the way the Kalypso can split the source display and shows shifted sources above the unshifted sources, the sources would be labeled right below the key bus. To take the source on the ME, you hit the K1 button and to preview the source, you hit the K2 button. The switcher already has the programming to logically change the function of any button on the panel. Before DPOP, I would do this using macros for a few select sources and attach them to the key busses. All the Kalypso needs is a way to activate/deactivate the feature via the panel- maybe hold down shift+button or something. But I'd rather have "partial keyframes" and user wipes........
Rick Tugman
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[quote="Dave Bernstein"]a disadvantage of the DPOP feature: If you have a habit of hitting the source button twice to make sure it is selected, then, with DPOP on, holding the shift key and hitting the source button twice on the preset bus gives you the UNshifted source.[/quote] I also have a habit of hitting the source button twice to be sure it's selected. I found the "DPOP ON" feature annoying, but it would come in helpful lets say for shifted tape machines or other sources you want access to on a particualr M/E. It's nice to know it's there... good thing it's a suite "preference."
Dave Bernstein
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I have recently made a new friend at this TD convention they call the US Open and he has pointed out a disadvantage of the DPOP feature: If you have a habit of hitting the source button twice to make sure it is selected, then, with DPOP on, holding the shift key and hitting the source button twice on the preset bus gives you the UNshifted source. If you are not aware of this feature, or that some other person using yur switcher has turned it on then you may be headed for an unpleasant surprise (sorry Chris!).
brad fisher
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To further clarify a very clear clarification, it simply prevents you having to use two hands to select a source.
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To further clarify, if the bus is set to "shifted" the DPOP will give you the "unshifted" source.
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[quote="sahonen"]With Bus DPOP on for a certain bus, if you have two sources assigned to a crosspoint, shifted and unshifted, double-pressing that crosspoint will select the shifted source without having to press the shift button. At least that's my understanding.[/quote] You understand perfectly.
Bill D
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[quote="sahonen"]With Bus DPOP on for a certain bus, if you have two sources assigned to a crosspoint, shifted and unshifted, double-pressing that crosspoint will select the shifted source without having to press the shift button. At least that's my understanding. To make a bus "hold" its shifted status for a few seconds, create a macro to set that bus' shift preference to shifted, wait a couple seconds, then set it back to unshifted.[/quote] Cool, good tips...
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With Bus DPOP on for a certain bus, if you have two sources assigned to a crosspoint, shifted and unshifted, double-pressing that crosspoint will select the shifted source without having to press the shift button. At least that's my understanding. To make a bus "hold" its shifted status for a few seconds, create a macro to set that bus' shift preference to shifted, wait a couple seconds, then set it back to unshifted.
- Stephan Ahonen
Bill D
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[quote="sahonen"]Look under Daily Setups -> User Prefs -> Bus DPOP settings. I was wondering what that menu did too, I thought DPOP was referring to how double pressing a button will open up a menu. Maybe this feature should be renamed something like DPS (Double Press Shift) so they don't get mixed up.[/quote] So with this on, if you hit the shift button, it momentarily holds that shift? But only for b bus and keyers.. Speaking of the other DPOP, for menus, didn't or shouldn't DPOP the bgd button in the ME, bring you to the ME menus.. The 4K did this thanks Bill
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Look under Daily Setups -> User Prefs -> Bus DPOP settings. I was wondering what that menu did too, I thought DPOP was referring to how double pressing a button will open up a menu. Maybe this feature should be renamed something like DPS (Double Press Shift) so they don't get mixed up.
- Stephan Ahonen
Bill D
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[quote="mtiffee"]If you turn on DPOP it allows you to access/preview your shifted side of the bus by quickly double pressing the button. Great feature![/quote] where is that menu, never saw it before Bill
Matt Saplin
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[quote="mtiffee"]If you turn on DPOP it allows you to access/preview your shifted side of the bus by quickly double pressing the button. Great feature![/quote] In addition, this works on all busses EXCEPT for the "A"/PGM side of each ME. It was designed to work on Preview and with keyers, but not on the program side of things... Just thought I'd note that incase you didn't think it was working correctly... Matt
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If you turn on DPOP it allows you to access/preview your shifted side of the bus by quickly double pressing the button. Great feature!