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Doremi V1 and Axial 3k

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

I was wondering if anyone is using the Axial 3000 with a Doremi V1 DDR. We have been and it has a peculiar problem. When you hit ctl rec the Doremi takes off backwards as though it is searching for a TC number quite far back. The system is set up with the Doremi Emulating a BVW 75 machine. I have never had a beta deck do that. It seems the Doremi has lost track of exactly where it is and thinks it needs to rewind to get to where it has to go. If you catch it and hit stop then ctl rec again it will cue to the correct place and edit fine. Anyone have any thoughts on specfile settings or Doremi Settings that might help? The Doremi is currently set to use A-Time as LTC. As always thanks in advance for any help.

User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
After a little more research, I visited the Accom FTP site and found a doremi specfile. I had been using a BVW75 specfile. Whatever the difference in the 2 specfiles seems to have fixed the problem.