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Ross Synergy Switcher

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 2 days ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Oct 2006

Anyone have a review or experience with this item.

User offline. Last seen 9 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Sep 2007
Hey we just bought a Synergy 2.5 at work, what questions do you have? Im not an expert on it, but Im sure we can help each other with our issues, I am stumped on some things myself.
Hot potato is a different game when the people playing are starving. Then its more like, "my potato!"
User offline. Last seen 10 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Oct 2006
Hey I do Sports Mobiles with a Synergy 4 production switcher. I find that I can do some things with it that allow me to move in and out of replays since they do background DVE Transitions that don't use up Keys. Also I do my 2 boxes in just one keyer saving Key 2 to allow for droping of the CG. They have Macros that are pretty good, just take some time to get used to programing in pauses and holds. Any questions about it specifically just let me know.
User offline. Last seen 2 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Oct 2005
We use the older SD only version and I'll be seeing a demo of their newest switcher up in Ottawa in about a week, so I can tell you more about it then. The phrase that pops in to mind when you ask about is "you get what you pay for", so you just have know that it's not an 8000 or Kalypso and that there will be things it can't do.. and there's only 2 keyers/ME. If you have any more specific questions I might be able to tell you if it can do it or not.
Mike Cumbo
User offline. Last seen 3 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
I have used a Synergy 3 several times at a corporate client's place. It is no Kalypso or 8000. If I had more time on it I might have a better view of it. I was told that I could control the Pinnacle DVE with it, but the one time I needed that no one in the plant could get it to control the DVE. I did notice one issue, if you try to double punch it didn't like that. It seemed to decide which operation to do first, then did that and finally executed the second transition. The box I used had the ability to do a "clean" feed. Basically you tell the box what ME you want to be clean. Easy to change but I saw no way to get each ME clean at the same time. I also know of a sports arena that uses one for the in house video feeds. It seems to work for them. I'd rather have a Kaylpso or 8000.