Two NFL games per year outside USA
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For those of you not watching or reading the news lately, NFL travel is about to get a little more interesting in 2007. NFL owners have agreed to allow two (2) NFL games per year to be played outside the USA. The one good thing is it will make the NFL a little more interesting for those doing it (if you like traveling). The bad thing is the people who rely on those stadium jobs and the fans will lose out when their game is the one not being played at home. That's show biz!
No matter what it should make it more interesting hopefully (hopefully, being the key word) for the NFL crews who will be doing those games and just maybe, maybe (smile), you'll have sometime to explore the strange new lands the crews will be traveling to.
Here is the link to the story.
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Dan, I'm also running the Mac M1 with Windows 10 ARM on Parallels, and was able to get it to...