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Spotbox loop using Machine Control (MVS-8000)?

5 replies [Last post]
Jesse Gregg
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Jan 2006


Now that we're back on HD-6 for the Bruins & Celtics home shows, I'm using machine control for our Spotbox.

Unfortunately foregoing the Lance controller seems to mean losing seamless looping of our moving backgrounds.

So I ask the collective expertise of this forum if there is a way to seamlessly loop a clip using machine control?

Currently I've been using repeating Cueup and Play keyframes in the DEV timeline but get short pauses in the "loop."

Thanks for any suggestions.


Jesse Gregg
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Jan 2006
I'm not sure there is a way for the EVS to load software for both VDCP (Sony Machine Control) and Odetics (for the Lance) on the same box at the same time. I guess if you had two separate EVS' then you could bring up 1 in VDCP and 1 in Odetics and get looping that way. Almost makes me want to go back to Lance control, except I like having my whole show on my USB stick and not having to deal with Lance cues.
User offline. Last seen 14 years 11 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Feb 2006
Is there a way for the Sony mvs 8000 to use machine control for two channels of the Spotbox but then configure the Sony to use the other two channels in a Pbus mode for the Lance?
Jesse Gregg
User offline. Last seen 10 years 26 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Jan 2006
Bob, Thanks for the suggestion. Alas, I've tried the method you described to loop a clip and the Sony 8000 refuses to loop the DEV parts of the timelines when it comes to the Spotbox. I've been using the Timeline level to creat a timeline with multiple Cueup & Play commands. Unfortunately the switcher seems to require at least 4-5 frames between a Cueup and a Play keyframe which results in a quick pause in the "loop." It makes me wonder if there is any kind of GPI input to the spotbox that could be configured to mirror the "loop" command that a Lance controller sends. Though that's probably more an EVS question vs. a Sony question. Thanks again, Jesse
Bill D
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On the topic of machine control is Sony going to offer anything other then Louth. Odetics, or AMP perhaps? Also all switcher manufactures need to get looping into their machine control I think with a simple loop button that can programmed into the clip or timeline, etc , the code for odetics and amp for DDR's that do preview channel looping is out there. Lance, BUF, DNF all have these functions, no reason machine control can't do the same. Lance has a button for loop, Buf has end types to tell it to loop or not, etc GVG has odetics and AMP, but no looping even though their DDR's do these functions.. Also active head looping... one clip active head, goes seamless to another clip which loops forever Just a thought.. Bill Also what is Sony's HD DDR, can't find it on their website, they had it setup with their demo I saw. Wonder if that will do looping through the switcher
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
While I haven't done this with a Spotbox, I have used this technique for direct machine control & it works quite well: First of all, instead of using the CUEUP & PLAY sub-menu, use the TIMELINE sub-menu. Build keyframes for Cue Up & for Play (& possibly for Stop) - note that the Cueup command can go as part of the Rewind command for the Play Keyframe. If it were me, I'd separate the commands...cueup, then play, then stop, with a pause on the 1st KF. Now go to KF 1 & in the keyframe editing/region assign area, select ONLY the region to which you've assigned the Spotbox. In the keyframe editing button area is a LOOP button and a KF LOOP button. Press the KF LOOP button - it will start on the current KF & as you to put in the ending KF (3 in this example) as well as the number of times you want the loop to happen (note that this loop amount resets each time that you call up the effect, so you may not need a huge number). The KF LOOP only affects levels that were assigned when you started the KF LOOP dialog. I'm suggesting this theory based on what I am using - let me know if it works for you or not.

Bob Ennis