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DVEous Rookie Issues

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005

Hi All,

Just getting into moderate use of a DVEous and I have a few questions about rookie problems that I'm having. Maybe you worked through these things in your first days and you'd care to share your answers?

1.) while editing effect keyframes by modifying soft knob values (border widths, channel opacity, KF duration, etc) the change doesn't take with the KF mod, or the knob momentarily enters the new value but then snaps back to the saved value. Any thoughts?

2.) Video/Video vs. Video/Key modes: I get the concept, but I'm a little fuzzy on how each channel pair needs to be fed its key and how the A and B side of the channel reacts to the other side:

2A.) in V+K mode, I see that I can still move the two channels independently -- I thought the other channel would just disappear, as its transform engine was being used to transform key for the video side? But it's still there.

2B.) how does the DVEous chassis's inputs want to get key signals from a 3/4K? I thought I'd have to send the keys on separate AUX bus A sides, as there was no K-Scope style channel routing going on, but I saw a setup recently that made me think this is not the case? Basically, I want to know how to handle keys into the DVEous from the 3/4K's AUX's (but, does this vary with truck wiring?)

I'm sure I have more, but these are the two biggies right now.


User offline. Last seen 14 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005
Thanks, all. Back on a truck tomorrow, so I'll see if I can unclutter my brain, and DVEous setups. Best, Chad
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="chadrm"]Hi All, Just getting into moderate use of a DVEous and I have a few questions about rookie problems that I'm having. Maybe you worked through these things in your first days and you'd care to share your answers? 1.) while editing effect keyframes by modifying soft knob values (border widths, channel opacity, KF duration, etc) the change doesn't take with the KF mod, or the knob momentarily enters the new value but then snaps back to the saved value. Any thoughts?[/quote] This could be a few things, 1st make sure you are on a keyframe, if you are between keyframes a modify won't work. 2nd, You must have the channel lit up to modify that channel, for global parameters you need to enable global, defocus, target fs, etc 3rd the dve is in the middle of a run (paused on a keyframe), you must hit prev/next to go to the keyframe you want to modify. [quote="chadrm"]2.) Video/Video vs. Video/Key modes: I get the concept, but I'm a little fuzzy on how each channel pair needs to be fed its key and how the A and B side of the channel reacts to the other side:[/quote] Each pair acts together. If you want to modify things like changing to video/key or video/video, you must have the A channel enabeled, as well as channel opacity, to modify B channel, the A channel must also be modified. So if you want A to be 100 and B to be zero, you need to enable ch b make opacity 0, enable both channels and modify B channels are either fill, or key or shadow A channels are used as video only [quote="chadrm"]2A.) in V+K mode, I see that I can still move the two channels independently -- I thought the other channel would just disappear, as its transform engine was being used to transform key for the video side? But it's still there.[/quote] The b channel in key mode is the key channel, so if you take it off screen your key will go with it. More beneficial in shadow mode because B channel becomes the shadow which means you can do anything, rotate, warp, etc that you could do with any channel. So it gives you great offset capabilities. [quote="chadrm"]2B.) how does the DVEous chassis's inputs want to get key signals from a 3/4K? I thought I'd have to send the keys on separate AUX bus A sides, as there was no K-Scope style channel routing going on, but I saw a setup recently that made me think this is not the case? Basically, I want to know how to handle keys into the DVEous from the 3/4K's AUX's (but, does this vary with truck wiring?)[/quote] Because the 3K can change their b side aux buses from either video or key and 4K can only do key on the one side it can be wired two ways. Typically best thing is to leave the B sides as key always, and treat it like a 4K. If you are short on aux buses, you could use auxes 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b all fed to the dveous, then change the auxes between video and key, but that is not user friendly. So ideally you do it it two ways aux 1a dveous input 1 aux 1b dveous input 2 aux 2a dveous input 3 aux 2b dveous input 4 aux 3a dveous input 5 aux 4a dveous input 6 or aux 1a dveous input 1 aux 1b dveous input 2 aux 2a dveous input 3 aux 3a dveous input 4 aux 3b dveous input 5 aux 4a dveous input 6 hope that helps.. Bill [quote="chadrm"]I'm sure I have more, but these are the two biggies right now. Cheers, Chad[/quote]
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 15 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
Hi Chad, 1) This one sounds like the pause may be active. make sure the Pause button is not flashing on the lower right hand side of the control panel. If it is flashing, the Dveous will do exactly what you described. It also could be that youare not on a keyframe. If you are between keyframes and try to modify a keyframe rather than inserting one, it will also do as you described. 2) The Dveous can have up to 12 inputs depending on how many input cards were installed. (Not on the MX?) On grass valley switchers you have a choice on how to feed those inputs. Typically, Aux 1-4 feed inputs 1,3,5 & 7. Aux 1B (hold the aux button down for this selection) through Aux 4B feed 2,4,6 & 8. In t you input menu on th DVEous you can tell any channel to look at any of one of these input numbers. It really doesn't matter. Here is the key. You can set up the switcher t automatically route the correct key signal out of the B side of the Aux for whatever source is selected on the A side. For example, in your Aux Buss menu on the 3K, you have a choice to make each individul aux video/video or video/key. If the switcher is set to video/video you must manually select the B side of the aux by holding down that aux button and selecting its input. If the switcher is set to video/key the switcher will automatically put the key signal that is mapped for that video signal (Config/Map Inputs) in the B side. For the sake of simplicity (my 2 pound brain) I build effects wit input numbers matching aux numbers. That way if an input looks wrong, I immediately know where to start looking for problems. So for a two channel graphics fly I would map Aux 1 to Channel 1A, Aux 1B to Channel 1B, Aux 2 to Channel 2A and Aux 2B to Channel 2B. The numbers are really up to you. I can just as easily map 1,3,5 & 7 to those input as well. The first way just makes it automatic for the key channel. 2A) You still have total control over all parameters of channel B when it is in key mode. I think this is more flexible than the lock to video approach of a transform engine. This is especially usefeul on the Dveous if you use the Video, Key & Shadow mode. Your hole cut follows Channel A and now you can fly your Shadow independently of the Video side. If you don't want indepedent control of your key side just select contol of the A & B side and move them together. 2B)Most of this question I already adressed in the first paragraph. This varies on some trucks. Most of the trucks I have worked on, however,are wired as described in paragraph one. I do work on one truck where the EIC asks at the beginning of the day how you want it wired and he patches accordingly. Let me know if this makes sense. I am grey matter impaired today.( is that any different than any other day?) Scott