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Any luck controlling Chyron Aprisa VCS?

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Jul 2006

I'm on a Sony 8Ka, but I posted here because I can't remember where I read this. Seems like long ago in the old forums I read some information on getting control of a VCS using VTR control. I'm doing this now fairly successfully, but want to know if there is something I'm missing.

From what I've been able to figure out so far, the VCS channel should be in playlist mode:

PLAY - plays the cued event in the playlist
FF - cues the next event in the playlist
REW - cues to the TOP of the playlist
STOP - causes the VCS to explode into a million pieces (no, it just stops it)

CUE - must have a start time code of 00:00:00:00 to cue or recue the current event in the playlist

Cueing A 23 hour time code with a four digit event number buried in it - 23:xx:xx:00 (xx:xx=event number) - calls up a specific clip as a temporary event (of course that event number should also conform to a logical hour:minute time code to work).

Is this right? Is there a better way? This is working well so far but I don't want to miss anything before I go to air with this setup. Someone here knows...

I have the VCS set to "DDR Control Panel" and I'm using "VTR" or "Extended VTR" for control. I've tried VDCP and it doesn't work, even though this Chyron product says it supports it. Is there a way to get that going?


Clint Hendricks
User offline. Last seen 14 years 23 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005
Sounds like you have things working fine for VTR control. We used the Aprisa VCS very similarly but with a Sony 7350. You're correct that according to Aprisa's website VDCP should be supported (which the 7350 did not) but I'm not sure what changes in configuration are needed. I do like VDCP's capability to see actual clip names....but the timecode method of recalling clips worked fine for us. -Clint
User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Aug 2005
We use the Apraisa 200 with the kalypso so I am not sure how it would interact with the 8000. You are correct with the time code, if i remember the 23 tells the apraisa to look for a clip at event (xx:xx) just as you stated in the post. Someone once told me the last two digits of the timecode tells the apraisa at what speed to run 00 woule be 100% 50 would be half speed. I haven't gotten that to work though. With the kalypso it will run this way in playlist or event mode. We tried it with a DNF box which also works ok but there seems to be less of a delay between commands running the machine directly off the switcher. I believe we are controlling it via bvw mode. hope this confirms what you have been doing.