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First Hockey Game

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi. I'm doing my first hockey game in a few weeks. I was wondering if anyone could share any insight into the requirements and/or special needs for hockey. Up to now I've only done college hoops and college football (and a lacrosse game or 2). I think the game is for Comcast....it's the Capitols. Any input would be appreciated.


Rick Tugman
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Joined: 4 Sep 2005
Mike: It's best as Mike Cumbo said to set up a Replay Off Trans. I don't like to use a run/run with the replay for the reason that it gives me more flexibility on the kind of transition we need to have access to at any given moment! This way your not locked in and you can give the client what he needs when they want it.
Mike Cumbo
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Mike, whatever you do DO NOT mention the Philadelphia Flyers to Bill.... (inside joke) Bill was born in Philly and lives and dies with the Flyers. Since they suck this year Bill usually gets upset if anyone mentions them. ;-) You might have a Red/Blue EVS key or two, maybe if they are on the schedule. Rick, you might get one on Saturday as well. At home Bill sometimes will use a network transition to get to a full screen CG promo then transition to a VTR, then he wants to replay off. If you have the replay off as an additional effect you may save yourself some issues.
User offline. Last seen 7 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Rick and Mike, Thanks a lot for your input. It's very helpful. Hopefully I'll have no problems. --Mike
Rick Tugman
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Mike: I do a lot of Comcast shows including the Caps. If your running your replay effect as one move will not effect the show. There is a DVE move for the slient promo which is just a Duet Fly on/off. I know I put it on Bill's disk the last time we worked together. As for the Title Burn, I myself do not use the DVE. I have always built it on an ME with a on/off transition. If there is a DVE move for it which I beleive there is it just might be easier for you as Mike Cumbo suggested. The transitions work better as undercuts! There are only 3 frames on the Ring transitions so timing is crucial. As for the rest it's exactly as Mike wrote for the road show. On one of the transitions with you may have to give a little more thought to is the Bump to break it can key over any camera and then it transitions to another source as the background that can be a blooming (DVE) or just a source. Your choice on how you want to build it. The show is pretty straight forward, in fact I'm doing it again Saturday and it's one of the shows I like to work on when I'm at home. Good luck on your show. Rick
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Mike, Thanks a lot for your input. It's a big help. I don't know yet what truck I'll have, so not sure if I'll have a Kalypso or 4k. I usually build my replay on/off as 1 effect and without source holds (but all of my other effects with source holds on). That shouldn't be a problem, right? Or would he want to replay on but effect off with some other transition? For the DDR transitions, particularly the ones that are tough for timing, do they work better with under-cuts or under-dissolves? Thanks again, Mike
Mike Cumbo
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I do many of the Caps home games so I can shed some light... I think. The director, Bill, has Fast Forward drives. You have replay in and out, several left to right DDR effects, each team, CSN and NHL. You will have a bump to break or two. (I'm not sure how many they use on the road. ) The biggest PIA is the title burn. Depending on the switcher you get, Kalypso would be best, it is left to right DDR flames that reveal the title page. I think Bill has a DVEous disk that combines everything inside the DVE. I don't know if you need the billboard effect, they carry some pre-built billboard beds. There should also be what Bill calls "NHL rings", it is a simple DDR trans. My suggestion is to use source holds on your DDR transitions. Bill sometimes might use one effect on, another off. The CSN replay transitions can be a pain with getting the timing just right. (same with the NHL rings.) Bill may also have a DVE disk for "silent"promos. They are network promos that slide in at various times during the game. You may also have a CG fly. I think they use four cameras, share game, on the road and they will take whatever cameras are available. I don't know how many VTRs they use, probably three plus EVS. Do you know what truck you will have? Let me know if this helps. Mike