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Macro Attachments disappear!

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User offline. Last seen 13 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Feb 2006

Anybody run into this where a macro attacment just disappears from where you put it (in my case I use the DSK bus)? Is there something that I'm calling up that my blow out the ATTACHMENT?


Geoff B
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2006
I can honestly say that I've never seen an attachment "disappear". There are, however, some behaviors that you might be surprised by: The aforementioned key bus assignment recognition. This is especially confusing to ops used to the Kalypso, where a button is a button... regardless of assignment. A macro assigned to a button in "Primary" (in Multi Program 2) won't work on the same button if that M/E is in "Secondary". Furthermore, if you want a macro to work with both "Primary" and "Secondary" assigned, you have to learn it there too. As is common wth the Sony, this adds more power but it means more things to remember and program during setup. I've asked Sony to have a mode to show attached macros that stays on (you can check momentarily by hitting either "Pre Macro" or "Post Macro"). I think that this feature would help spot small problems like these.
Geoff Butler Director, Sacramento Kings & Monarchs TV TD, NBC Sunday Night Football Webmaster, [url=http//www.freelancetd.com]FreelanceTD.com[/url]
Rob Vanrhyn
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Yes - sometimes MVS-8000 macro attachmint(s) act like socks in the laundry - they just disappear! Doesn't happen often but when it does I find its easiest to reload the macro-attachment file. Another problem with attachmint(s) (yes thats how I spell it!) disappearing is that the result is sometimes that DSK source will be keyed (ouch!). You can apply zero-density (or a mask) to that source (dsk crosspoint) or other trickery to avoid actually keying that source. Also, if you have free crosspoints on your A-bus you can apply the attachment to an unused A-bus crosspoint (name that crosspoint something that makes sense to you in the panel menu). MVS macros are very kool.
Rick Edwards
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[quote="Jesse Gregg"][quote="Rick Edwards"][quote="Jesse Gregg"]Macro attachments are reset if you assign a new source to a crosspoint. Another macro assignment "trap" is if you are using the keyer buses for assigning macros, the switcher considers Keyer 1 and Keyer 3 to be different 'buses' even though they are displayed on the same physical row of buttons. Thus each has different macro attachments.[/quote] But Key 1 and Key 3 **ARE** different busses..... RE[/quote] True :) But they are displayed on the same row, yet the macro attachments change depending on which bus is selected. A little confusing :)[/quote] I guess it all depends on how you look at it..... You have the flexibility to save Macro Attachments to different buses.... Key 1 and 3 are different busses. It would also be very confusing if all of a sudden Key 3 didn't work any more :0 regards, RE
Jesse Gregg
User offline. Last seen 10 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Rick Edwards"][quote="Jesse Gregg"]Macro attachments are reset if you assign a new source to a crosspoint. Another macro assignment "trap" is if you are using the keyer buses for assigning macros, the switcher considers Keyer 1 and Keyer 3 to be different 'buses' even though they are displayed on the same physical row of buttons. Thus each has different macro attachments.[/quote] But Key 1 and Key 3 **ARE** different busses..... RE[/quote] True :) But they are displayed on the same row, yet the macro attachments change depending on which bus is selected. A little confusing :)
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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[quote="Jesse Gregg"]Macro attachments are reset if you assign a new source to a crosspoint. Another macro assignment "trap" is if you are using the keyer buses for assigning macros, the switcher considers Keyer 1 and Keyer 3 to be different 'buses' even though they are displayed on the same physical row of buttons. Thus each has different macro attachments.[/quote] But Key 1 and Key 3 **ARE** different busses..... RE
Jesse Gregg
User offline. Last seen 10 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Macro attachments are reset if you assign a new source to a crosspoint. Another macro assignment "trap" is if you are using the keyer buses for assigning macros, the switcher considers Keyer 1 and Keyer 3 to be different 'buses' even though they are displayed on the same physical row of buttons. Thus each has different macro attachments.
Dan Berger
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Joined: 7 Oct 2005
I saw this just the other day, but I was moving X-points around, and since the attachments called up those X-points, I thought that was the reason. Maybe the attachments are tied to the X-points on the panel, not the button. Did you move X-points, and then saw the attachments disappear? Maybe someone who knows more can explain this. --- Dan