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Still Store FTP issue

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Jan 2007

I'm not sure if it's an issue with my secondary PC connecting to the frame or if it's a software issue, but using the Still Store Loader program, I continuously get a "ERROR: could not open connection to still store" message.

It'll ping OK, but when I actually go to download to stillstore program it takes a long time, then displays the aforementioned message.

I've also tried using windows explorer ftp with no joy. I've tried the,, all with the same results.

Now when I open just in Internet Explorer I get what looks like diagnostics for the SS, but it won't give me access to the file folders. I've also tried converting new images in SS Loader, then copying those files over in the Kalypso Menu PC software File menu. That hasn't worked because it'll crash when trying to open the SS.

I've tried versions and 14.0, all with no results.

Any answers? Is this a software bug, or something limited to my pc settings that would prohibit me network still store access? The menu typically runs fine off of my pc, I'm stumped.

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
[quote="Steve Meyer"]One thing you can try: in your first post, you said that you put in Internet Explorer, and you got a diagnostics screen. The diagnostic screen you see in IE is correct, since you've accessed . You want , since you're FTPing files in and out of the stillstore. Good luck![/quote] Yeah, tried that first with no luck.
Steve Meyer
User offline. Last seen 14 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Aug 2005
One thing you can try: in your first post, you said that you put in Internet Explorer, and you got a diagnostics screen. The diagnostic screen you see in IE is correct, since you've accessed . You want , since you're FTPing files in and out of the stillstore. Good luck!
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
[quote="Bob Ennis"]One thing that's bagged me in this situation was my anti-virus software. Try turning off your firewall. It's no guarantee, but it may help. One workaround that I would do in this situation was to put the SS Loader program on the Kalypso Menu, and then drive it from there. If you've mapped your PC as a drive on the Kalypso, the SS Loader program should be able to pull stills off of your PC.[/quote] Bob, I no anti-viral software and no firewall and it's still kaput. I did have the engineers load SS Loader on the Kalypso Menu with no luck there as well. Even reset the SS card on the back of the bus. I dunno what's going on. Are other people out there not having any issue? Should this be solid and worry free?
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
One thing that's bagged me in this situation was my anti-virus software. Try turning off your firewall. It's no guarantee, but it may help. One workaround that I would do in this situation was to put the SS Loader program on the Kalypso Menu, and then drive it from there. If you've mapped your PC as a drive on the Kalypso, the SS Loader program should be able to pull stills off of your PC.

Bob Ennis