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split font over camera problems with kalypso

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Jan 2007

Hi all-

I'm having a problem with a split font over camera. The source for the split font is a revolving video animation background (coming from a Leitch news video playback server) and on top of that a channel of chyron. To mask the video (won't key out), I use a preset pattern wipe. Because we have three possible channels for playback (A,B, or C) I set up a preset in an e-mem starting with A as my initial source and then the operator can hot punch the keyer to get whatever channel the rundown ends up with as the animation. In my preset, I have to set up the preset wipe for each of the possible channels and then save the effect.

My problem is that after about a week, when the preset button is hit (9) in the e-mem, the preset pattern wipe doesn't work for B. It works for A and C. When I say it doesn't work, I mean the video animation (1/2 blue revolving video, 1/2 black) goes full and it doesn't acknowledge my preset pattern wipe that I saved.

I've read the manual and it should work everytime, all the time. Am I making a mistake in the save? Should I accomplish this in a different way????

I submit humbly,

Rob Kemp

Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Why does the animation change channels all the time? If this is for a newscast, you, as the Technical DIRECTOR have to set up some rules for others to follow. The director has set up rules for others to follow, the producer has set up rules for others to follow, you have to do the same. I have worked in many different news situations, and every place has rules about how things work. You should tell them, "this animation always has to come off C" or wherever you want it. Explain why you need it this way, and how it helps you. Don't let others dictate your world completely. You are a "Director" too, it's in your title. I just helped launch a brand new HD control room at a news station here, with all new switcher, graphics, etc. During the rehearsals the News Director, Assistant News Director, and Producers all came in and said "we will be doing this, we did this in the old control room, so we are doing it in here too." All the TD's knew what it meant for us to do this thing they wanted us to do. Yes it is "just another button" for us to push, but the way the system is set up, it could result in an ugly ripple effect with all the other effects and such down the line. So we put our foot down and said "No" (after lots of meetings explaining, & bickering & more). The news department hasn't come to us since. For something that happens so frequently inside a newscast, it is important to have things set up a certain way, that way you have time to do things that they yell out at the last second, and aren't stuck on some other effect that you are on because they want you to be "flexible." Just my 2 cents on news operations. --- Dan
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Jan 2007
I will thanks
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="robokemp"]Hi all- I'm having a problem with a split font over camera. The source for the split font is a revolving video animation background (coming from a Leitch news video playback server) and on top of that a channel of chyron. To mask the video (won't key out), I use a preset pattern wipe. Because we have three possible channels for playback (A,B, or C) I set up a preset in an e-mem starting with A as my initial source and then the operator can hot punch the keyer to get whatever channel the rundown ends up with as the animation. In my preset, I have to set up the preset wipe for each of the possible channels and then save the effect. My problem is that after about a week, when the preset button is hit (9) in the e-mem, the preset pattern wipe doesn't work for B. It works for A and C. When I say it doesn't work, I mean the video animation (1/2 blue revolving video, 1/2 black) goes full and it doesn't acknowledge my preset pattern wipe that I saved. I've read the manual and it should work everytime, all the time. Am I making a mistake in the save? Should I accomplish this in a different way???? I submit humbly, Rob Kemp WLNS-TV Lansing[/quote] Check source memory. It is in either user or suite prefs. If source memory is on it is remembering how the keyer was last keyed, preset pattern, linear key, etc. Do you have 3 seperate emems, or are you calling up one emem that sets up A, then hot punching the others? Anyway turn of source memory and that may help. Bill