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Zodiak timeline transition issue

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User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007

Hi all...

First time poster, long time lurker. First of all, I've found a lot of info on this site, and thanks to all who have offered it.

Now, on to my problem. I use a Zodiak 2.5 ME on a university sports production truck. One oddity that has plagued me since we bought it 5 years ago, is that whenever I build a timeline, if I have the background button lit at a keyframe, it almost always throws in a background transition, whether I tell it to or not. If I use the Insert After to make my keyframe, it almost always does it, but if I use the Jog Timeline knob to place my keyframe, it only sometimes does it.

Example: I have an effect where the CG1 "falls" onto the background. I build this effect with the Background button lit as my first keyframe. KF2 at 1 frame in turns on the TE on the CG1 keyer (K1), KF3 at 2 frames turns on K1, KF4 at 22 frames puts the CG1 at it's final location (normalled), KF5 at 23 frames turns off the TE, and KF6 at 24 frames leaves the Background button lit, so I don't bone myself when I under-dissolve after the effect. Almost every time, at the end of the effect, the Zodiac throws in a transition on the background somewhere in there, usually at the end, where it makes a cut. So, I spend the next few minutes cursing and finagling with it until it doesn't do it, which involves a variety of inconsistent fixes.

Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?

User offline. Last seen 9 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
Thanks Curt...I'll give that a shot.
Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
I assume you are building your effect w/ source holds "On", on the PGM/PST bus... If so, try rebuilding your effect from scratch w/ source holds off. Once everything works ok, then put the source holds back on. If you check the archives on here, I think there is a much more detailed reason for this. From what I understand, it has something to do w/ "flags" being set when you build effects w/ Source holds on. I work on a 4k usually, and this is the case. I always build timeline effects ( when the M/E has multiple keyframes) w/ source holds off first...then put them on at the end. I assume this logic follows through to the Zodiak/Kalypso. Hope this helps. Curt ps..I just tried searching the archives/old forums, and wasn't able to find anything. Search function I don't think was working for me. You might have better luck