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FF Keying issue.

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2 Mar 2006

This happened last night when building an effect. I?ve never seen it before, any ideas?

The Effect was built using a 3K, FF, DVeous. Downstream the DVeous to key a FF animation (1a, 1b) revealing duet (2a, 2b), pause, then wiping it off using the same FF animation in the same timeline.

Problem, the second time the FF was triggered to play (after using cue #1 or #11) it could not be keyed anywhere in the switcher, unless you manually hit the cue button on the Lance. I tried keying just the FF in all 3 ME?s while running the effect (in PGM) and it did not key the second time anywhere. So, at the pause (after the #1 or #11 command was sent to the FF, I tried both), I manually hit the cue button on the lance it keyed everywhere! Checked the DVE Effect, and all the keyers on the switcher. Ghosts in the machine or me? Thanks for your thoughts.

Geoff B
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Zipp, I have a guess as to what may have been wrong. It's been a long time since I've been on a 3K, so my memory might not be completely accurate. When you do a recue command within a timeline, you have to do it before the pause. If the recue command is on the same keyframe as the pause, it won't be executed until you resume running the timeline. Next time, have a keyframe with the recue command, a keyframe with the pause, and then a keyframe with the play command. Scott mentioned ganging channels and it's a good idea. Especially when you get into situations where you need to have different addresses for your channels. Ganging can prevent slippage between the key & fill channels. Just hold down the channels you want ganged (usually A & B, of course) and hit the "set" button. Once you do that, a trigger sent to any of the ganged channels will be executed by all.
Geoff Butler Director, Sacramento Kings & Monarchs TV TD, NBC Sunday Night Football Webmaster, [url=http//www.freelancetd.com]FreelanceTD.com[/url]
Scott Dailey
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When I said slaved together I was referring to ganging the channels. I have had the problem you described on a 3K. Ganging the channels usually sovled the problem. If not, I mapped the Lance controller as 2 devices and sent out a Run Trigger to each device. Kind of a pain on the 3K since you run out of Trigger real estate. I have also found that if you use trigger 11, don't put a pause on the same keyframe. Insert trigger 11 and put the pause in the next keyframe and give it a three or four frame duration. Scott
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Scott, Good point, as I don?t remember seeing the key channel trigger on the monitor wall with this clip. By slave are you referring to the ?gang? mentioned in the lance manual? I do not do that. Could that be it? I usually set both A & B to device 1 in the controller, and then set all my ins and outs with both channels lit and send only one trigger to device 1. I?ve never had a problem. All my other effects with clips ran perfect that day. I just wat to make sure as I rarely use the # 1 or #11 cues. Mike, If it was a Lance or FF problem as you mentioned, FYI, it happened with both Cues # 1 & #11. Jeremy, I also use the .5 between K1 & K2. Thank you all!
Jeremy W
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I've come across this issue, and found a 5 frame delay between key frame 1 and 2 solves this problem every time, whether it's a grass or a sony. Keyframe 1 cues the FF, KF 2 gives the run command and turns the keyer on. When I first started I would make KF1 duration 2 frames. 5 frames avoids the issue but doesn't delay too much. Hope it helps.
Mike Cumbo
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Zipp, I have run into this a few times in the past when using a #11 trigger. One reason I try to avoid them. Not sure if it is a Lance or FF issue.
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Were your Fast Forward channels slaved together? It sounds like your key channel was not recuing unless you did the manual recue. Scott