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Pre-Read Edits stop

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Philip Boal
User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Sep 2005

Yesterday I experienced a problem I've had before that's been nagging me for a while.
I'm editing a series of Pre-Read edits when out of no where the edit system just won't do them anymore. It previews the edits just fine, it looks like its doing it during the recording, but upon playback there's no "new" edit.
So I routinely shut off and on the switcher, Axial, and tape deck. Generally this makes veryhting OK again. Yesterday it didn't.
The soultion was to clone my work to a new tape and then reperform the edits. That worked just fine. Luckily it was only a 4 minute piece.

The engineer suggested it was due to which field the edits were made on ... I don't know. Luckily, every since I've edited digitally the past 12 years, I don't worry about that kind of thing much.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same kind of thing. we're using an Axial 2000, Abekas 8150 switcher and Sony DVW-A500 tape decks. Thanks, Phil B

Greg Maher
User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Well, I have had preread edits not record several times. The deck says Edit Rec in the char mon, but the channel enable buttons do not ligh up. I think its a tape thing, though I have always retried and been successful. Greg