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Need Kalypso Macro Instructions

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Feb 2006

Could somebody please give me simple instructions on how to build, assign, and enable a macro; and add the macro to a timeline. For example: I have a "replay on" effect on a timeline at register 00. I have a "replay off" effect at register 01. At the end of effect 00, I want a macro to call up register 01. At the end of effect 01, I want a macro to call up register 00.


Rick Tugman
Rick Tugman's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 6 days ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005
Hi Greg .... Long time no see. It's a pretty simple process. First you'll have to records two Macros ... one to call up Effect 00 and one to call up Effect 01. Go into your macro menu and name them if you like. Now call up Effect 00. I have found it's best to toggle the "Macro Enable" button at this point and make sure it is OFF. Do a Modify All.... now go to the last key frame of your effect and enable the "Macro Enable" button. Touch the window to the left which will open up a list of Macros. Select your replay off move or Effect 01. Modify that Keyframe only. Now do the same for Effect 01 except at the end of Effect 01 you are going to Enable Effect 00. There you have it. Just remember to make sure to build your timeline first and be sure the Macro Enable is off by doing a Mod All after the effect is built, then add it to your last keyframe. Also be sure to have enough time at the end of your effect for the recall at the end of your transition! Any questions give me a call. Best regards, Rick.