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3 replies [Last post]
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

I was checking out the PDF of the clipstore MXc. it has some pretty cool features, I like the GUI options, 2 different VGA outputs. One of those outputs showing each channel in a window and a 3rd window with them keyed over a bgd, the latter is a great feature, helps you find where a problem is a lot easier. Removable drives, and importing are great as well.

I currently use a gvg turbo using AMP connected to a Kalypso. Doesn't do true HD (must use a DVI connection).

Anyway what is the cost of the clipstore? Are there options as well, or is it pretty much get it all.

Lastly is there any future possibility of odetics, AMP or louth protocols so that they can be tied to a switcher with clips, rather then BVW (one long clip)


Douglas J
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Nov 2006
Curt, I've moved your questions to the "PBUS Protocol and CSMXc" post (). Doug J.

Douglas Johnson
Chief Product Manager, Abekas

Curt's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Sep 2005
Doug, Thank you for that information. Glad to hear about PBUS. Once question I did have though. Does the Clipstore allow you to save PBUS "files"...Meaning...if I am doing one show that uses one effect register with one clip...but another show wants to use that same register with a different clip, is there a way to save the PBUS information w/out having to relearn before each show. We do alot of this now using a Buf Spot panel, which allows you to send different PBUS files from a PC connected to the Panel ( or 2 panels in our case) before each show. This way each TD can use any EMEM, w/out worrying about stepping on someone elses effects. If this is possible, can you edit this this file either with in the GUI app , or if not, w/ another program..such as Microsoft Excel? Ok...so I guess that was more than one question..!...Thank you Curt
Douglas J
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 13 Nov 2006
Bill, The ClipStoreMXc (CSMXc) comes in two models: 2-Hours or 4-Hours. For each model, the record time is roughly the same no matter if you're recording all SD, all HD or a mixture of both (since HD is recorded at ~200Mb/s, and SD is recorded uncompressed at ~270Mb/s). The list price for the 2-Hour model is $13.5K.USD, and the 4-Hour model is $14.4K.USD. This is quite price competitive with the GVG Turbo, I might add, which is in the $20K-$25K.USD price range. The only "options" for the CSMXc are the two spare media 3-disk sets; the 2-Hour disk set = $720.USD and the 4-Hour disk set = $1,540.USD. There are no immediate plans to add odetics, louth or AMP protocols to the CSMXc. However, the product brochure does not mention the fact that PBUS protocol IS supported. Therefore, you can control the CSMXc directly from the Kalypso switcher via PBUS protocol (or any switcher that supports PBUS protocol will work). When you perform an EMEM (or equivalent) "learn" operation, the CSMXc remembers the name of the clip that's loaded at that time, so later on, when the EMEM register is loaded and run, the clip associated with that EMEM register is also loaded and run inside the CSMXc. This eliminates the need to have "one long clip" stored in the CSMXc with a bunch of memorized IN and OUT points; rather, you may organize your clips as separate clip identities inside the ClipStoreMXc, with full alpha-numeric clip names. You may even organize the clips inside a series of folders in the CSMXc, and the PBUS protocol allows clips to be recalled from within the various folder(s) you've created. Regards, Doug

Douglas Johnson
Chief Product Manager, Abekas