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GVG-250 for Sports: Timelines PBUS/GPI over Lance and DPM-7

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005

Hi All,

I'm scheduled to do a sports show in a truck with a GVG-250 that is supposedly able to control a Lance (FF) and a DPM-700.

Can anyone give me the basics on how to build timelined replay effects in this system? The rumor is that there is supposed to be working PBUS, and maybe GPI in this truck.

As much as I've messed around with the menus in a 250, I've never really seen anything that I would understand as a keyframe editing or running interface.



User offline. Last seen 14 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Sep 2005
Oh my. I think I'll just hit PLAY on the Lance and AUTO TRANS on the 250 at the same time like I did on the last show. Also, I got a last minute reprieve... the show in question is now on a 3K. Thanks for the secrets from the past, though. Chad
Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Ohhhh boy! You better hope there's a disc there that has everything already. This could end up taking too much time for me to explain, if I can even remember half of it all. The DPM-700 should be called up from the USR level E-Mems, you will need to make sure the periph is turned on when you learn the Emem. Periph is somewhere in a menu, I think under MISC, then you can turn on which device it is (probably 0, since Lance will probably be 1 &/or 2). The sources on the AUX bus for the DPM can be learned within the DMP effect itself, if that option is turned on (some buried menu on the DPM itself), if not, they will be learned by that same USR level on the switcher. The DPM should automatically run when you call up the Emem (there is no "RUN" button on the 250), so plan accordingly. The best way we figured to run the 250 for a sports show, is, ME1 is replay ME, ME2 is camera cuts. Similar to any other switcher, but you are down an ME, and you've got far fewer sources, and keyers, and no EMEM pad on each ME. Your "Effects" are set up in the "Timeline" option on the splash panel, NOT the "Keyframes" option. These "TIMELINES" ONLY GET SAVED IN BANK 4 (Keyframes in Bank 3). So you are limited to a total of 10 effects, but you need a reset, a RP In, a RP Out, so you get very limited, very quickly... In order to save a "Timeline" all levels on the switcher (ME1, ME2, USR, etc.) must be enabled, they are not all talked to, so don't worry about that, it ends up being like an Auto Recall on any other switcher. Timelines talk to other saved EMEM's, and you can do auto trans, and some other stuff, but I can't remember. The best thing to do is to save a PGM level E-mem with the FF keyer turned on, with the BGND trans highlighted, and a 1 frame trans rate. You can have NO XPOINTS turned on, that way you can go to anywhere, any time, or you can create one with ME2 in PGM, and ME1 in PVW, then a second one with ME1 in PGM, and ME2 in PVW (your RP in, and RP out). Now you need another EMEM with the FF keyer turned off. You will need a USR level EMEM to call up your FF, again in the Periph menu you can turn on the device. Now you need to know the GPI trigger for the Play command on the FF, hopefully the EIC will show you, or it's listed somewhere. In another menu (I forget where) you can turn that GPI on for that EMEM on the USR level. Now, go to the "Timeline" menu, make sure you are starting with a New Timeline. You want to Append, or Attach, or place , or I don't remember, an EMEM Recall, which would be the PGM EMEM, and the USR EMEM's you learned earlier (they can be different EMEM numbers, so don't worry about that). Now you want a delay of X number of frames for your replay animation to come full, and you want to Append an Auto Trans on the PGM PST bus. Another delay, and then a Recall of your PGM Level EMEM that had the FF keyer off. You can RUN the Timeline within the Menu, somewhere, somehow, and you can adjust your timing accordingly. Now Save THAT EMEM into Bank 4 (again, make sure all EMEM levels are selected). Now, you can recall that Timeline, by making sure all EMEM Levels on the Recall side are all selected, and go to Bank 4. Since there is no RUN button, as soon as you recall the EMEM, it's running. The biggest catch is, that if you want to recall an EMEM only on ME1, you have to deselect all the other levels, and hit Bank 2 (or wherever), and then when done, select all levels again, and go back into Bank 4. Biggest pain in the a@@ switcher to do a standard sports show. And the producers and directors don't understand why you can't do it all. We (the other TD's & I in the area) have gotten it down to a science, and we all have a disk, and there is one on the truck, but still, we get pounded on by the production team asking if we can get a clock in an ME at the end of the half, or something like that. Your set-up and instructions on your truck will definitely be different (the one here doesn't have a DPM, it's got an A51, or something like that, I don't want to think about it any more). ENJOY! --- Dan