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Kayal timeline help

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Mar 2007

How do you dissolve on the first keyframe of a dpm effect and then recall the effect through e-mem and run it with the cut button? Does this involve somehow linking the emem with a dpm timeline?

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 10 Mar 2007
I appreciate the reply, sorry for the typo, it was 2:30 am when I posted after a long work day. I got this effect to work. I guess it is a rather strange effect, but for clarification, it's a map with a particular pinpointed area that squeezed video has to dissolve over and then fly full. I am not fond of the effect but I have to use it and unfortunately now have to use it on a Kayak - not fond of that switcher, either. Thank you for the help!
Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
I assume you are talking about a Kayak... I'm not in front of one (and frankly don't want to be) so I'm not sure where everything is all located. But, you 1st build your DPM timeline in the ME you want, and on the keyer you want (each ME has a separate DPM timeline). I would build a Macro to hit auto trans in that ME also. In your ME, you build an Emem timeline that calls up the DPM effect you want (make sure when you learn the Emem, the DPM is at the beginning of it's effect, or it'll be called up from the Emem where ever it is in the DPM timeline). Your next keyframe has a trigger (Insert Misc, Trigger, or something like that) to hit run on the DPM, then a delay, and then hit your Macro (Insert Misc, MaKe, or something like that) to do your auto trans in the ME. I believe you have to turn off the recall of the sources on the ME, and I don't remember what that is called, but it is in something about ME Memo. I don't work on the switcher enough to step you through everything, and when I am on the switcher I often give up on some of the effect ideas I have, cause they're such a pain. There's something to be said for simplicity in a switcher, this one definitely doesn't fall into that category. Is this what you are looking for, your question is a little odd to me, but this is what I think you are asking about. Enjoy! --- Dan