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Attching Macros to a Keyframe

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007

Hello all,
I have heard that people are using macros to control other MEs, by attching them to the 1st keyframe of an E-mem, rather than to the sub E-mem button. This way I won't have to worry about firing that E-mem when I use that button in other banks. (Marcro on 05, not 15, 25, 35, etc.) I set it up in Suite Prefs -E-mem prefs Marcos - so that ME3 is the macro level. Anyone know how to finish doing this? I am on V Kalypso Classic. Thanks for any help i advance.


User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
Thanks Greg, I may look into setting up the GPI loop back. Just to have another option. I am at a Comcast station.
Bill D
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[quote="scange"]Greg, Thanks so much for the help. And Dan, thanks for clarifying. I have figured out how to run the macros from keyframes, and I love it so far. But, here's the deal: I need ME3's sub emem panel to recall ME 2's to make these 7 keyer boxes. So I am currently recalling ME2 with a macro in ME3's 1st keyframe. Thats cool. But, I'd like to fire some other macros on PGM to under cut some FF effects there. Do you guys know how I can trigger macros from keyframes from 2 different emem panels? Thanks very much for the help so far, Mike~[/quote] Mike, is there a reason why the box effect can't be recalled via pgm/pst emem panel? I would do it all on pgm/pst, and then you will be fine. You can still have undercut stuff working for the FFV and recall ME 3, etc. If you are worried about recall speed, use one of of your keyer rows as a macro recall row, and build macros that just call up emems. Again I don't know your situation, but unless you are recalling ME 3 and running transitions at the same time, you should be ok. I guess what you are looking for is a way to run some macros from one enabled level and then run others from ME 3's subpanel. Guess that would be a cool software change. It would be like Greg's idea of using GPI out's each of them can be different enabled levels. One other idea is to attach the macros to an unused button like user 1,2,3, etc Bill
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Mike, I do something similar except I use the old GPI loop back. Heres how. We have GPI outs looped back into GPI ins. One of the outs run on gpi 5 and the trigger in is on the GPI 5 in. I run a timeline on ME3 and have gpi triggers 5 emem prefed to ME3. When I run the timeline, on the 4th keyframe it fires a gpi that recalls a setup on ME1. It works rather well for me and I can still run the macros on the master emem. (I have it recall an ME but you can also have it trigger a transition/recall an emem/select a source.) I could probably do this with macros but I built it prior to the release of macros, I haven't really had a chance to rebuild it yet. Are you at a station in Philly? greg
User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
Greg, Thanks so much for the help. And Dan, thanks for clarifying. I have figured out how to run the macros from keyframes, and I love it so far. But, here's the deal: I need ME3's sub emem panel to recall ME 2's to make these 7 keyer boxes. So I am currently recalling ME2 with a macro in ME3's 1st keyframe. Thats cool. But, I'd like to fire some other macros on PGM to under cut some FF effects there. Do you guys know how I can trigger macros from keyframes from 2 different emem panels? Thanks very much for the help so far, Mike~
User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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Dan, Yes that is what I meant, sorry for the confussion(using master emem to recall ME1 and ME2 and MISC4/which can be a macro to recall ME3). I may have mis-read Mike's post. I was under the assumption that he was calling up an effect on master emem and on that first keyframe wanted to call up a different effect on ME3 so that he had a timeline on master emem and a different timeline that he could run indepently on ME3. sorry for any confusion. greg
Dan Berger
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Greg, I'm confused... If I've got Macros assigned to Misc 4, and I'm on ME3's Emem panel, & I call up an Emem, how can I attach a Macro to that Emem from ME3? The only way I know how to do it is by using a Master Emem to call up ME3's Emem, and Misc 4 to recall my Macro. Scange, to call up a Macro in a timeline, go to the Macro menu, and in the upper right you can select the macro you want, then hit insert (make sure the Macro level is selected in the Master Emem panel). I don't know what Greg is talking about, I hope he can explain a little more. --- Dan
User offline. Last seen 10 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
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That is one way to do it, This is the approach I take. What I have done is to keep the emem prefs macro level on it's own (say misc4). That way I don't lose control over the macros.. If i have another effect that doesn't recall ME3 I can still use macros with it. You can enable that macro on the first keyframe of that emem. upon recall of the effect (with your emem level enabled also.... my case it is misc 4) it triggers the macro to run. Hope this helps