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Kayak-Ram player clips disappapearing.

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Andrew in Kansa...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Mar 2007

We have a short animation clip in ram player 1 and it's key in ram player 2. The key and fill had been joined together and have the "video" button selected. They load up okay and play fine. They even work well with the macro... well, most of time anyhow. The problem Iam having is that for what seems to be no apparent reason one of if not both of the clips won't play when the macro is recalled. You may see the effect run with the key only or the fill only or maybe neither. If you then go and look at the ram recorder/player.. you may see E/E in the one channel nothing. You can take the clip to the beginning and play it and see the TC/timer running but no image. Sometimes loading up another clip then reloading will clear the problem but many times we've had to go back to the original file and re-import it. There have been times where we've run the macro multiple times in a row and it's been fine then one of the times the clips gone. Other times it seems like this happens after a new Config has been loaded. At this point, all TD's have the same button mapping etc. So... there's the problem... again, don't know where to look to fix this. Have also seen a similar thing where a still store seems to disappear. We may run a master e-mem where something wasn't set right in a menu and it will lose a still we had loaded in ram 5 and cropped down to use as a temp. bug/logo. When this happens sometimes recalling another still and reloading will correct but other times we've had to grab and store a new still. Hmmmm.

Thanks again! Okay... just one more, for now. :)

Tom Halladay
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Apr 2007
Make sure a valid source is selected on the Ram Recorder input selector. I ran into this issue last week when the source feeding the Ram Recorder was shut off, the clips no longer displayed. Although we were getting timecode when we played we just couldn't see the clip anymore. I would suggest that you feed Black into all channels when playing back to avoid this problem.