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Kayak-Need to create a simple squeeze back. E-mem, DPM or Ma

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Andrew in Kansa...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Mar 2007

I'll limit my issues to just these three tonight.

I've created a squeeze back effect from full to about halfway back then full again. (3 kf's) It's set over a ram rec/player clip with the DPM source being M/E1 so I can dissolve in the box. I created a macro that calls up the e-mem for both M/E's, loads the clip and plays it but Iam not sure how to go about getting the effect to call up full and paused... then to be able to run effect back, paused then full again. Iam wanting to minimize the number of keystrokes to call all this up and run it as there is usually little time to get this set up for air.

I created the DPM effect with a time line and saved it to a register. Guess Iam not sure how to do this.. should it be a macro only, a DPM only an e-mem only. Yeah, I know... I need more training! :) On the Sony DVS 8000 we've been using... I can call this up on the shotbox with a one button keystroke and all I have to do is run the DME.

Hopefully I've given enough information for someone to figure out what in the world I've done here.

Thanks for helping out the handicapped! Take care.

Andrew in Kansa...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 20 Mar 2007
The information was helpful, thanks. I got together with one of the other TD's and we managed to get this working without much difficulty. I had not gone into define memo and activated the DPM in the emem timeline. After working on the Sony DVS 8000 for so long... this just seems totally different. Guess it will eventually get better.
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Andrew, let me start with I know nothing about the Kayak, I had a little DD 35 training. If you have an emem built for the effect, with a timeline, so that when you run the timeline, it pushes video back, and pauses, then when run again it comes full then you are pretty much good to go. I assume Ram recorder is calling up and playing when you want it as well? Is the DPM move part of the master timeline? If not include it in the enabled level along with ME 1/ME 2 and however ram recorder is recalled. I would get it working as a regular timeline first. Don't think you really need macros yet.. Once that is set, then if you want for speed create a macro that recalls that master timeline. Then you can have a macro that hits the run button seperately, maybe attached to an unused button closer to where you are punching. Now your first macro calls up your effect, and then hit run macro. If you want it to be a one button thing. Then your first macro, can call up the emem, insert a few frame delay to get everything recalled, and then hit run as part of that macro. Now hitting the macro calls up the effect and runs it. Hope this helps, Bill