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Kalypso HD Still Store Issue

2 replies [Last post]
Eric Aegerter
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Jan 2006

I'm not really sure how to best describe this, so I will just tell you what I'm doing and see if anyone else has seen this or has a solution.

I have a headlines effect with three pieces of video. I have macro built to make my transitions. My macro presets an internal still store channel, cues the clip loaded in the still channel, adds the still as a key on an effects bank, plays the clip, transitions the background (video to video) on the effects bank (under the clip), takes the still off as a key, and recues the clip.

The first time I run the macro, it works fine. Then when I need to change the source on preset on the effects bank (to my third piece of video), the machine control window goes blank and I don't have any control over the clip in that still store channel anymore. So when I run the macro the second time, the still never gets played, and I just see my background transition.

If I run the macro repeated times without changing sources on the preset bus, it plays the clip properly every time.

The whole clip is 2 seconds long, it has been marked to be about 27 frames. The same issue comes up no matter where on the switcher I select a source.

Any ideas?

User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
At my station we run clipwipes similar to the way Bill described (except using a PDR-200 for the DDR): Have a bunch of separate macros that choose drop the source in the keyer, turn on the keyer, undercut, etc. All our clipwipes are run from the master EMEM panel and playback on P/P Keyer 4. Use one Misc source for device control and one for macros. Device control timeline has 3 keyframes: KF1: Cue up clip KF2: (1 frame later) Play KF3: (one frame from end) Stop Macro timeline keyframes: KF1: Select source on keyer KF2: (1 frame later) Turn on keyer, move to priority 1 in the ME KF3: (midpoint) Undercut (we actually use autotrans) KF4: (same time as device KF3) Turn off keyer (same macro as KF2) KF5: Recue (literally just presses rewind on the effects control panel), that way all our wipes are automatically setup to run again (sometimes the PDR-200 takes its sweet time recueing, so that can be helpful). I've never tried having the internal stillstore cue/playback for wipes, but in theory it should work just swapping that for the external device control. (You might have to have the cue and play commands be on the same keyframe.) Hope some of that is helpful :) ~nate
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Eric Aegerter"]I'm not really sure how to best describe this, so I will just tell you what I'm doing and see if anyone else has seen this or has a solution. I have a headlines effect with three pieces of video. I have macro built to make my transitions. My macro presets an internal still store channel, cues the clip loaded in the still channel, adds the still as a key on an effects bank, plays the clip, transitions the background (video to video) on the effects bank (under the clip), takes the still off as a key, and recues the clip. The first time I run the macro, it works fine. Then when I need to change the source on preset on the effects bank (to my third piece of video), the machine control window goes blank and I don't have any control over the clip in that still store channel anymore. So when I run the macro the second time, the still never gets played, and I just see my background transition. If I run the macro repeated times without changing sources on the preset bus, it plays the clip properly every time. The whole clip is 2 seconds long, it has been marked to be about 27 frames. The same issue comes up no matter where on the switcher I select a source. Any ideas? Eric[/quote] How are you playing the clip? If you are hitting play on the transport buttons then that is your problem. Hit play in the SS menu, or make an emem for part of this that calls up the clip and plays the clip through the emem. I typically build seperate macros for selecting source on key row along with type of key(linear, chroma), keying source, undercutting, and then a recue. I then put these macros into a timeline, in this case the timeline would contol SSXX, etc And play clip through still store menu, I think there is a button that you select and that plays on that keyframe you insert. This way once this is built every timeline is a get and put, and just change your SS clip and do a modify, etc. My example I use with AMP serial control with a Turbo DDR. But same idea.. good luck Bill