Kalypso HD Still Store Issue
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I'm not really sure how to best describe this, so I will just tell you what I'm doing and see if anyone else has seen this or has a solution.
I have a headlines effect with three pieces of video. I have macro built to make my transitions. My macro presets an internal still store channel, cues the clip loaded in the still channel, adds the still as a key on an effects bank, plays the clip, transitions the background (video to video) on the effects bank (under the clip), takes the still off as a key, and recues the clip.
The first time I run the macro, it works fine. Then when I need to change the source on preset on the effects bank (to my third piece of video), the machine control window goes blank and I don't have any control over the clip in that still store channel anymore. So when I run the macro the second time, the still never gets played, and I just see my background transition.
If I run the macro repeated times without changing sources on the preset bus, it plays the clip properly every time.
The whole clip is 2 seconds long, it has been marked to be about 27 frames. The same issue comes up no matter where on the switcher I select a source.
Any ideas?
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Dan, I'm also running the Mac M1 with Windows 10 ARM on Parallels, and was able to get it to...