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Running Clips on the StillStore

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007

Anyone else have issues with the stillstore running clips? I have an animated bug that I am running fenced to 1/9 in Stillstore 7 and 8, Vid-Key paired for a period of time, and then pausing. This far works perfect. Once it pauses, I need a new set of in and out points to animate the bug off. On the next keyframe, I can see that the in and out (mark begin/end) move to the correct times, but when I advance to the next keyframe ((start at Keyframe is triggered)), it starts the clip over from the beginning. If I step through the time line manually, and go between the 2 keyframes that pause and then play the 2nd part of the clip, it works fine.
Another key issue I'm having is after runnung the timeline, I have to hit the e-mem twice for the clip to recue. If I hit the number and hit run, it cuts the bug on already there.
Version Kalypso Classic
Any ideas?

User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
OK cool, good advice. Thanks. I'll have to change it around. I am currently using my macro level to call up a 7 keyer 5 box, along with a bunch of other boxes that require 2 MEs. So I have the macro level attached to ME3, and controlling ME2 with the macros. Basically hitting the same emem # in 2 that I hit in 3. This way I free up the mater E-mem panel to run wipes, and bugs, etc. Anyhone know how I can set it up to have macros triggered by keyframes on 2 different emem panels? Thanks again, Mike~
Scott Dailey
User offline. Last seen 14 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Aug 2005
YES Network shows have an animated rreplay bug that works similarly to what you describe. I made a macro that hits the play button in the still store menu and another macro that recuse the animation. I then put these macros into the timeline. You might try something similar except you might add a stop command macro to pause your animation. This works great for me, even when running older software. Happy Punching, Scott
John Conlen
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Joined: 13 Jun 2006
Hey Mike, I had a similar problem, and I did just as Bob was saying. I added a extra key frame that recalled again. I later went in and rebuilt the effect again, and the problem seemed to correct itself. Not sure why, just one of those software glitches.
Born to dive, forced to work
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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My workaround was based on the fact that I really don't like calling up numbers on a keypad - I tend to use macros that I can label to do the E-MEM call-ups (this also saves having to switch banks, too...I guess that I'm either getting lazy or maybe just more efficient). Because I use macros, it is just a matter of adding a slight delay and then another recall press. That ends up doing 2 recalls and thus calling up the e-mem properly & it's fairly transparent to me.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
Hmmm. I was hoping I was doing something wrong, rather than it being another glitch. Any good workarounds? I want to use the Still store for these, so I free up my 2 DDR channels for some other wipes, etc. I guess I could cram it all on the DDR, but I'd rather not. Thanks for making me feel a little less crazy... Mike Angelini~
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
I had the exact same problems on a Kalypso running 12.0.2 a couple of weeks ago - especially the thing of having to recall the effect twice to get a recue (and I also had this problem with DDR clip control)...that was a pain. So I assume that it's a software issue & not something that you were doing. You or your EIC may want to talk with GV Support.

Bob Ennis