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StillStore TimeOut

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User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007

Hello all,
Yet another StillStore related question....

When I recall any Stillstore ouput with an E-mem, the Stillstore will sucessfully recall the intended Still, but I get the 'Stillstore busy' command, and I can't manually use the Stillstore on any output for exactly 30 seconds. Then I get a 'load failed, timeout', and I can use it again. Anyone know of a way around this?


Ed Collins
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 May 2006
If you didn't get a chance to go to NAB this year allow me to fill you in a bit. Grass is currently doing a major overhaul of the Still Store. I've been testing it extensively and it is quite impressive. The issues you are talking about are being addressed as well as adding a lot of new functionality. There is an Image Server that allows you to cache stills from anywhere on the network - say a laptop drive or even a USB stick inserted in the laptop. One of the biggest benefits (for me at least) is now we will have the ability to grab stills or animations directly into cache without having to save them to the hard drive. In the past you had to wait on the Still Store to complete the save before you grabbed again - VERY long wait in HD as you already know. So now you can instantly grab as many stills and/or clips as you like then select only the ones you want saved and instruct the system to save them when you're ready to save them. You can then move on to other things while the Still Store is saving. Saving stills, loading and unloading cache, managing cache, recording clips etc. have all been totally re-vamped. You're gonna' love it, but I'd HIGHLY recommend reading the release notes on this one.
Sports TD & Free Lance GVG
Lou Delgresiano
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Sep 2005
[quote="Bob Ennis"]I also had this same "Still Store Busy" message - mine lasted for over 2 minutes & it was after a manual recall with no E-MEMs involved. I would suggest that it is another bug, similar to what we talked about previously. I would hope that GV should have something to show at NAB that addresses the many current Still Store issues.[/quote] They seem reluctant to fix the various Still Store issues, and that's one of the best attributes of their product.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
I also had this same "Still Store Busy" message - mine lasted for over 2 minutes & it was after a manual recall with no E-MEMs involved. I would suggest that it is another bug, similar to what we talked about previously. I would hope that GV should have something to show at NAB that addresses the many current Still Store issues.

Bob Ennis

User offline. Last seen 14 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Mar 2007
I tried having it call up a still that I deleted, and it still works fine. I dont know if it is corrupt though. I doubt it. And everything I'm calling up is cached. It seems to be happpening only from the master emem. In the current set-up that I am having a problem with, SS 5 and 6 are set to ME3P, but sometimes I recall them from the master emem panel. I wonder if this is a problem. It happens at other times also. Like recalling SS 7 and 8 to trigger an animated bug in a timeline. I am running version Kalypso classic.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 Oct 2006
Mike - Is it possible your EMEM is trying to recall a still that no longer exists? (Along with the one you're calling up successfully.) When the stillstore is loading a still (or a clip) that isn't cached, it hangs for a little bit while it loads the file from disk. (Although I *think* that behavior may have changed slightly in v14 - someone correct me if I'm wrong.) Maybe your EMEM is trying to load a still that either doesn't exist or is corrupt? Also, which EMEM levels do you have the stillstores delegated to?