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Kalypso Still Stores...Disappear?

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lordo2's picture
User offline. Last seen 7 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Feb 2006

I'm sure this is a D-F-O thing..but I don't get to play on a Kalypso too often but sometimes after I have grabbed and saved still stores, I go back to try and recall them manually, and they are not in the list.

Why do they disappear when I know that they were assigned numbers.

I've even had them re-appear after a few hours. What am I doing wrong?

- Lordo

Joe Ferretti
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Hey Lordo, One way of getting around this bug is to recall the stills with the Cue/Load button above key 1 of PGM/PST. If you put the still channel that you want to recall a still in in PST, or whatever buss you have delegated by using the Set Deleg button, it shows the still number that is currently loaded in the window next to the big green Play button. Now if you use Prev or Next event you can find the still that has "disappeared" and use the Cue/Load button to recall the still. I hope this helps. Maybe someday GVG will get the Stillstore working the way it should. Joe
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005
John...thank you for the explanation, it all makes more sense now. Now that you mention the differences in Kayak vs. Kalypso still-stores, I remember learning (about a year ago) that GV wanted to make the Kalypso's still-store more like the Kayak or DD switcher. Now, I've also heard that this is the end for Kalypso software, but I don't know how accurate that is... Matt
Andrew in Kansa...
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We are running in GV mode. The title given or name text appears in the register menu but the image itself isn't there. Sometimes you can load a different still-store then come back to the missing still and re-load it and it's there. Other times the image appears to be completely gone. The same is true of the ram recorder clips.
Matt Saplin
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Andrew...I'm just curious about your problem with the RAM recorder on the Kayak. Are you running in GV mode or DD mode, and would that mode change make a difference? I worked on a Kayak yesterday that was in DD mode, and the EIC suggested that I not use the RAM recorder because it often seems to cause a failure, but an even worse failure in GV mode. I'm not a DD guy, so I didn't feel like experimenting... ;) Anyway, he also noted that GV mode is a bit buggy, so running in DD mode was suggested by the trainer that GV (or Thompson/Philips/BTS) sent from Germany. Matt
Andrew in Kansa...
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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The station Iam at just put a Kayak on line and are having the same issue. Sometimes calling up another still then coming back and loading the "lost" one will clear the problem. Other times it's completely gone and have to restore the image... if available to do so. When this has happened the register still shows the name as well so it is apparent that the still didn't get "deleted" by another user. Also, we've had clips in the ram recorder do the same thing. Sometimes loading a different clip in the ram recorder then calling up the missing one will clear it... but other times we've had to re-import the file. It concerns me if GV has known of this for a year or so, why they haven't gotten this taken care of. It's a bit of major problem when you're on LIVE and this happens! Good luck to you!
Bob Ennis
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It's not you - it's a software bug that's been on the "known list" since before I left GV - about a year ago. You might try calling up a different directory & then going back to your original directory - sometimes that solves the problem. Other times it requires a reset of the main frame processor,

Bob Ennis