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DVS/MVS and Routers

2 replies [Last post]
Matt Saplin
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Oct 2005

I've used the MVS-8000 with a Sony router...a very powerful combination. My question is this: are there any other routers out there that interface well with the MVS switcher?

Ideally, we'd like to have our source selections (display name) on the router follow through to the switcher, but I'm afraid that the digital router that my station has chosen won't do this (Utah Scientific).

Thanks in advance,

Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Matt Saplin"]I've used the MVS-8000 with a Sony router...a very powerful combination. My question is this: are there any other routers out there that interface well with the MVS switcher? Ideally, we'd like to have our source selections (display name) on the router follow through to the switcher, but I'm afraid that the digital router that my station has chosen won't do this (Utah Scientific). Thanks in advance, Matt[/quote] Matt, please give some examples of how the router switcher combination is flexible, etc. We had router control I think with a 7350 and a Sony router years ago, but we couldn't use it like mng thought we could (which is why we only had like 36 inputs). They thought we could change remotes on the fly, which we could but we never knew which remote we may or may not need. So if we were using remote 1, but also needed remote 8, what button do we put it on? They thought we would just swap it with remote 1, but we needed them both together we couldn't do that. (as an example). Curious with the newer stuff what can be done.. thanks Bill
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Matt Saplin"]I've used the MVS-8000 with a Sony router...a very powerful combination. My question is this: are there any other routers out there that interface well with the MVS switcher? Ideally, we'd like to have our source selections (display name) on the router follow through to the switcher, but I'm afraid that the digital router that my station has chosen won't do this (Utah Scientific). Thanks in advance, Matt[/quote] Matt, It is my understanding that the MVS will interface with Utah (SC3 controller), Probel, Pesa, Thomson Trinix, and a handful of others. Please check with a Sony engineer to verify. RE