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Connect two DVS 9000

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Oct 2005

Hello again,

I hope that not all people goes Las Vegas ;)

One more question: It's possible conect two DVS9000 to use one as master and the other as slave? How can I do it? Could I control the effects and DME?

Thank you,


Dave P
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Oct 2005
Hello Enric, The answer is definitely yes. This is from memory as I am not near a switcher now. You need to have the switcher processors switched to different ID's one as one the other as two. There are dip switches for this, but I cannot remember on which board. You must then connect the second switcher processor to the existing Control LAN and Data LAN. Check you see on Menu page 7311 the extra switcher. You may need to do an 'Auto Config' which is on this menu page. Remember once SW2 it is there to 'Define' the setting. Menu 7312 (.1, .2) is where you need to set 'SWR2' to 2nd Sw'er and the Operation Mode of 'Dual Simul'. Also 'DME1' to 'SWR1' and 'DME2' to 'SWR2'. I think that's it. Having both panels running parallel can be done to, but the configuration I cannot remember. Hope this helps as I may have missed something. Best regards Dave.