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kalypso scaling?

3 replies [Last post]
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

Was talking to someone today about switchers and internal HD/SD, or vice versa scaling. What does the Kalypso HD do if any?
I know about Kahuna and the 8K, curious about Kalypso


Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="jwillis"]I'll drop in and answer - even though I'm not Bob. You are spot on - the output of the system is at the standard determined by sync pulses or the selected input used as sync. Bob has it right in terms of philosophy. It is the places or people who need to get at a signal that determines the best place to make the conversion, and for Kalypso it is external to let more see it. For HD>SD at output, depending on where you are in the world there are 3 standard, minimum to worry about. 16:9 full height anamorphic, 4:3 centre cut, 14:9 semi-letterbox - oh, yes and 4th 16:9 letterbox. That's hard to do with 1 internal unit. Cheers, John[/quote] thanks John, doesn't matter who answers :)
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Bob Ennis"]To my understanding, the Kalypso philosophy is to use external boxes to do the scaling before the signal is input to the Kalypso...the reasoning being that if a source needs to be scaled, it probably needs to be scaled in more places than just the switcher & by doing the scaling externally, the converted source is available everywhere. Through the use of a Newton control in the Devices menu, you can control the scalers (and it looks like everything is actually happening at the switcher) but they are external boxes.[/quote] Bob, Makes sense, most places would need that source on the router etc. How about the output? Is it just one or the other depending on the mode HD or SD? thanks Bill
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
To my understanding, the Kalypso philosophy is to use external boxes to do the scaling before the signal is input to the Kalypso...the reasoning being that if a source needs to be scaled, it probably needs to be scaled in more places than just the switcher & by doing the scaling externally, the converted source is available everywhere. Through the use of a Newton control in the Devices menu, you can control the scalers (and it looks like everything is actually happening at the switcher) but they are external boxes.

Bob Ennis