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Mvs 8k Macros

9 replies [Last post]
User offline. Last seen 3 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005

I'm fairly new on the 8000, and don't have too much experience with macros in general. During down time, I try to build basic macros (change sources underneath graphic transitions, etc.) using the AUTO INS function, but when I run it, I only see the last keyframe. What am I doing wrong?


Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="offshaw"]Am I correct in saying that when editing a macro on the menu in offline mode, the events aren't actually executed on the control panel? I seem to remember there being an option as to whether or not to execute the events as you step through when editing (or am I getting my switchers mixed up?). Also menu selections are still not learnt on the 8000/9000, is that correct?[/quote] Yes that's correct. That's the difference betwen on-line and off-line. Off-line, in my opinion, lets you "dive down" a little more. RE
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005
Hi Rick, Thanks, just ingested that part of the manual. I haven't really had a chance to get into the 8000 since about V2 or 3 which didn't have the ability to edit or view a macros events on the menu. Looks similar to the offline macro editing function on the XtenDD. Makes life easy to find out exactly what's happening when you can get a line by line display of what each event does and what part of the switcher it's affecting, especially when someone else has built the macro! Am I correct in saying that when editing a macro on the menu in offline mode, the events aren't actually executed on the control panel? I seem to remember there being an option as to whether or not to execute the events as you step through when editing (or am I getting my switchers mixed up?). Also menu selections are still not learnt on the 8000/9000, is that correct? Cheers Brian p.s sorry emdub, I've kinda hijacked you post. Hope it's informative anyway.
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="offshaw"]Hi Rick, Is the off line editing done on the control panel or do you do it on an external PC networked to the switcher? I know the MVS-8000 doesn't have the ability to edit macros offline from the control panel itself, is this something that was added to the 8000A, or a later version of software? The offline method sounds exactly like the macro editor on the XTenDD. It's definitely much easier to program macros with many events offline, and, of course, no problem when someone comes in when you're in the middle of programming a macro and cuts something to line on your PGM bus! Brian[/quote] Brian, The 8000 does have great ability to edit macros from the panel. All you have to do is re-record on the same macro on the flexipad and you're editing. You need to make sure the FULL EDITING is turned on in menu #7326.6. In fact, ON-LINE edit described above is also another way to edit from the panel, except this time from the menu. All three of these are done from the panel or menu -- no need to hook a laptop or something up. Good luck RE
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005
Thanks Dave, It's been a while since I've used the switcher at Martin Place. When I am in there I'm directing, but I'll definitely have a play next time I'm there. You know they don't have a single macro programmed on that desk....what a waste! Brian
Dave P
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Oct 2005
Hi Brian, Off-line and on-line macro editing came in with V5 I think. Certainly with the later software the non-A 8000 supports these macro edit modes. Off-line editing is done using the menu. On-line editing is done with the menu and control panel. By the way, it's on your MVS-8300 at Martin Place. Bye for now, Dave.
User offline. Last seen 6 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Sep 2005
Hi Rick, Is the off line editing done on the control panel or do you do it on an external PC networked to the switcher? I know the MVS-8000 doesn't have the ability to edit macros offline from the control panel itself, is this something that was added to the 8000A, or a later version of software? The offline method sounds exactly like the macro editor on the XTenDD. It's definitely much easier to program macros with many events offline, and, of course, no problem when someone comes in when you're in the middle of programming a macro and cuts something to line on your PGM bus! Brian
Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="Bill D"]What is the difference between online and offline macro editing? pros and cons? thanks Bill[/quote] On-line is pretty much the same thing as recording or editing via the flexipad. You're editing the exact register. Offline editing is more advanced and you can edit any register, whether it's recalled or not. It's the one I always use. RE
Bill D
User offline. Last seen 10 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
What is the difference between online and offline macro editing? pros and cons? thanks Bill
User offline. Last seen 14 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 1 Jul 2006
Do you have pauses in the right places? Sounds like you need pauses between a few events - otherwise it'll run through a bunch of button presses as fast as it can. You'll need a pause after you play a clip and cut your keyer on to allow the clip to fill the screen, then a cut, then another pause to lose the key. I mostly use the "offline edit" feature for macros - you can add/insert pauses online too but I don't do it that way often enough to explain it right now. Try the offline edit feature and visualize your effect the same way as if you were building a timeline to do it. You'll be adding events in a list rather than inserting keyframes. You'll probably wind up building macros this way more often once you get familiar with it. I start with cueing the clip in whatever device I'm using, then turn my effects keyer off (DSK4) "just in case". After that I'll add an indefinite pause, which is a value of 0. This emulates a keyframe effect in that I'll have to hit the "take" button to continue further. Then I'll play the clip, select the VIDEO source number, cut the keyer on, then pause for a few frames. Then cut the M/E, reset the clock and insert a pause of a few more frames to allow the clip to play out. Then cut the keyer off. You can simply add pauses offline to the macro you made online - thats probably easier than starting from scratch.