Hello Editsuite.com friends,

Due to tons of abuse, we now require that you request user access by sending us your Login, Name, Email Address, Phone Number, and Profession by submitting that info HERE.  I'll review your request and try to get back to you within the week.  You can't imagine how many folk want to trash forums with bogas advertising. 

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--Gary Lieberman

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Clint Hendricks
User offline. Last seen 14 years 35 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 9 Sep 2005

Hello All:

Am I just having this problem????.....recently, within the last few weeks, when I log-in I get the "blue" indicators on topics that are new since my last log-in....but as soon as I click on a topic or a post the "blue" indicators go away so I cannot see what other items are new. I miss being able to see what topics are new to check on.

Is there a "time" limit setting that got changed on my profile???



John Henkel
John Henkel's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Jun 2005
Oh hi, so sorry for the delay in getting to this stuff. I will try to look into it (or have my trusty partner, Gary, do so) over the Holidays. Seems that having a full time job (after the 10 years of NOT having one) takes a fair amount of time. :) -JH
User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 22 Dec 2005
[quote="Clint Hendricks"]Hello All: Am I just having this problem????.....recently, within the last few weeks, when I log-in I get the "blue" indicators on topics that are new since my last log-in....but as soon as I click on a topic or a post the "blue" indicators go away so I cannot see what other items are new. I miss being able to see what topics are new to check on. Is there a "time" limit setting that got changed on my profile??? Thanks, Clint[/quote] I have this problem as well.