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Aux Bus Snapshots

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 May 2007

can i recall a specific aux bus (including source) using a shotbox?
i need to recall an effect but also change the aux bus source at the same time. the aux bus is feeding a projector screen not a dme channel.

Rick Edwards
User offline. Last seen 15 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
[quote="pqcon"]can i recall a specific aux bus (including source) using a shotbox? i need to recall an effect but also change the aux bus source at the same time. the aux bus is feeding a projector screen not a dme channel.[/quote] Sure. Just like any other region in the switcher, you need to save the underlying effect before assigning to the Shotbox, In terms of the Aux busses, you'll need to make sure the AUX bus(es) you want to store are assigned to a USER region in the switcher. That's done in ENG SETUP->SWITCHER->CONFIG->USER 1-8 ASSIGN. Then you'll be able to assign aux busses. If you assign more than one aux buss to the same aux, you'll need to do a XPT HOLD on your snapshots or effects on the aux busses you want MVS to leave alone. CAUTION: If you've never reassigned USER assignments, be very careful here. If you change any USER assignments then the next time you load effects with that same setup (with the changed USER assignments) then you'll get errors. This is not a bug.... it's becuase if, let's say, USER5 was set to color bkgd and you saved effects on USER5. You then change the assignment of USER5. If you try to load color bkgd data into USER5 when it's assigned to AUX, the data won't match and it won't load it and give you and error. Just FYI. RE