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Kayak Macro (MaKe) attach

4 replies [Last post]
Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005

I've tried to attach a macro to a button on the Kayak (4ME panel), and the sidepanel shows that there is a macro to the button, but when I push the button that I've attached the macro to, nothing happens. When I turn on Attach Blinking mode, nothing blinks.

So, I guess the question is, how do you attach a macro to another button on the Kayak panel?

I looked through the manual, and while it talks about macro attachments, it says nothing about how to attach a macro. I have held down the Macro, then held down the button I want to attach to, and the panel beeps. I've held down the botton I want to attach to, then held down the Macro, and the panel beeps. Anything I'm doing wrong?

A side question would be, can I attach a macro that's above #32 to a button?

Next question, how do you delete a macro attachment?

--- Dan

Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
[quote="Andrew Raiche"]Macros higher than #32 are attached by recalling the macro with the numeric keypad (set to Macro), then pressing and holding the Macro button on the keypad and then pressing and holding the button where you want to make the attachment.[/quote] This doesn't work. I tried every combination of holding every possible button labeled "MaKe" down, and the button I want to attach to. I got nada. How do you attach a macro higher than #32 to another button on the Kayak? It doesn't make any sense to not be able to do this, cause I can already access #1-#32 directly on the panel. Did T/GV not include this ability on the Kayak? --- Dan
Andrew Raiche
User offline. Last seen 6 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 27 Feb 2006
Macros higher than #32 are attached by recalling the macro with the numeric keypad (set to Macro), then pressing and holding the Macro button on the keypad and then pressing and holding the button where you want to make the attachment.
Dan Berger
User offline. Last seen 14 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 7 Oct 2005
Thanks Jochen, I actually figured it out right after I wrote the question. I'd still like to know if I can attach a macro that is higher than #32. --- Dan
Jochen Huegel
User offline. Last seen 2 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Sep 2005
Hi Dan, You attached the macro correctly. I think your problem is the macro attached play mode. I the personality menu you find the setting " macro attached play mode", it can be: 1) function only : only the button function will be done (Sidepanel: the attached macro indicaton is gray) 2) macro only : only the macro will be recalled (Sidepanel: the attached macro indicaton is red) 3) macro and funktion : the button function and the macro will be done. (Sidepanel: the attached macro indicaton is green) To delete a macro press instead of the macro the "del" button. Best regards Jochen