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Stillstore Busy...

4 replies [Last post]
Lou Delgresiano
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Sep 2005

Yet another Still Store post:

I'm on a Kalypso Classic,

I was successful in grabbing stills, as well as FTPing other stills into the still store.

Though now five hours later I'm trying to grab a new still, and "Stillstore Busy" is listed in yellow at the top of the screen. It will let me load stills for air, and unload/unload all, yet it will not let me grab/save. I have tried reboots, resetting the SS card, physically pulling the SS card, and powering the entire switcher/computer down and up, and it contiunually gives me the same "Stillstore Busy" and doesn't let me do anything further. UGH.

Any suggestions?

Lou Delgresiano
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Sep 2005
[quote="Bob Ennis"]Lou - I trust that when you reset the SS you did it by resetting the FRAME, not just the SS board. While at GV, I had been told by GV engineers that while the hardware to manage the SS is all part of the SS board, it is the FRAME PROC that actually "directs the traffic". Thus I had been told to let everyone know to NOT reset the SS by resetting the SS board. Even more important, (again, paraphrasing the GV software gurus) NEVER EVER use the Unlock All/Unload All command in the Cache sub-menu. Repeated use of this technique to clear the SS memory almost guarantees an eventual lock-up (or other anomalies), as the command addresses the SS board & not the Frame Proc - this causes a disconnect between the Frame & SS board. Thus, the best way to clear out the SS cache is unfortunately to reset the frame. I'm not sure if this is at the root of what you're experiencing - as I said, I was also seeing your issue in v14, even after resetting the Frame. With the proposed revamp of the SS operating system, this disconnect problem (as well as the "BUSY" message) should theoretically go away.[/quote] I'll try a Frame reset, I thought I had, but it's been a while.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
Lou - I trust that when you reset the SS you did it by resetting the FRAME, not just the SS board. While at GV, I had been told by GV engineers that while the hardware to manage the SS is all part of the SS board, it is the FRAME PROC that actually "directs the traffic". Thus I had been told to let everyone know to NOT reset the SS by resetting the SS board. Even more important, (again, paraphrasing the GV software gurus) NEVER EVER use the Unlock All/Unload All command in the Cache sub-menu. Repeated use of this technique to clear the SS memory almost guarantees an eventual lock-up (or other anomalies), as the command addresses the SS board & not the Frame Proc - this causes a disconnect between the Frame & SS board. Thus, the best way to clear out the SS cache is unfortunately to reset the frame. I'm not sure if this is at the root of what you're experiencing - as I said, I was also seeing your issue in v14, even after resetting the Frame. With the proposed revamp of the SS operating system, this disconnect problem (as well as the "BUSY" message) should theoretically go away.

Bob Ennis

Lou Delgresiano
User offline. Last seen 11 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 11 Sep 2005
[quote="Bob Ennis"]I had this same problem on my last remote using a Kalypso. There was an issue about channel 7 or 8 automatically trying to a still that just wasn't there - and this also happened quite often after doing a save or after caching an animation. I found that I was able to select another output and load a single frame still into that output...this caused the message to go away. I believe that the message was bogus anyway, as it would sometimes pop up after just loading a single still, and like yours, it would stay on indefinately. There are still some wacky still store bugs in the current release software. At NAB GV was touting an upcoming release of a new software version in which the still store ops were revamped. Maybe when that version finally comes out it'll help put an end to the ongoing still store problems.[/quote] Thanks Bob...tried all outputs too. I'm stumped. Unfortunately I can't wait for thier next release. I always appreciate your help, especially with your new affiliation.
Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005
I had this same problem on my last remote using a Kalypso. There was an issue about channel 7 or 8 automatically trying to a still that just wasn't there - and this also happened quite often after doing a save or after caching an animation. I found that I was able to select another output and load a single frame still into that output...this caused the message to go away. I believe that the message was bogus anyway, as it would sometimes pop up after just loading a single still, and like yours, it would stay on indefinately. There are still some wacky still store bugs in the current release software. At NAB GV was touting an upcoming release of a new software version in which the still store ops were revamped. Maybe when that version finally comes out it'll help put an end to the ongoing still store problems.

Bob Ennis